Guide to the Collection
Support provided by the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Foundation.
Restrictions on Access
The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@yuandianwan.com.
There are restrictions on the use of this collection. Users must sign an agreement stating that they understand these restrictions before they will be given access to the collection.
Records of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM), an affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), document the administrative, legal, legislative, and educational activities of ACLUM, the ACLU, and its other affiliates from ACLUM's founding as the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts in 1920 to 2005. The records include legal, legislative, and subject files, ACLUM administrative records, correspondence, printed material, and other records related to the organization's attempts to protect civil rights in Massachusetts and the United States.
Historical Sketch
The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM), an affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), was founded just a few months before the ACLU when a small group of people met in the Beacon Hill home of Mrs. Margaret (Arthur A.) Shurcliff in Boston, Mass. in 1920. The group, "brought together by their concern with the waves of repression during and after World War I" (i.e. the "Great Red Scare" and the Palmer raids), formed the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Committee, which would soon be know as the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union (CLUM), a name they would retain for nearly 65 years.
From the very beginning, CLUM actively battled censorship. From 1930 until the end of World War II, CLUM fought Mayor James Michael Curley when he banned birth control advocate Margaret Sanger from public speaking, opposed Curley's refusal to allow the Ku Klux Klan to meet in Boston (based on First Amendment grounds); and argued against the teachers' loyalty oath law of the mid-1930s. After the end of World War II, CLUM assisted with the creation of the Massachusetts Fair Employment Practices Commission, and in the 1950s they "became a rallying point for all religious, civic, and educational organizations opposed to McCarthyism."
The new constitutional arenas that CLUM was obliged to face after 1960 would focus on the broader issues of civil rights and the equality of rights historically denied minority groups such as African Americans, women, children, students, homosexuals, patients, the physically and mentally disabled, and prisoners. In addition to their new broader focus, in 1970 CLUM would also reorganize their administrative structure; hire a full time director, legislative agent (lobbyist), and legal director; and establish the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation (MCLUF), their 501(c)(3) legal arm to fund litigation and education activities.
In 1995 CLUM changed its name to the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM) and MCLUF changed its name to the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Massachusetts (ACLUFM) to reflect their affiliation with the ACLU.
American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, The Operations Manual of the Board of Directors of the ACLU of Massachusetts and The ACLU Foundation of Massachusetts, 1996.
Collection Description
The records of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM), formerly the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (CLUM), consist of 96 record cartons, 3 document boxes and 11 oversize boxes, spanning the years 1920-2005. The records are arranged into three record groups: Record Group I, 1920-1969; Record Group II, 1927-1987 (bulk: 1970-1985); and Record Group III, 1951-2005 (bulk: 1985-2000). See the arrangement note for more information about these sections.
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) national administrative records date primarily from 1920-1985 and include correspondence, legal files, legislative files, subject files, business correspondence from ACLU national affiliates, and newsclippings. The bulk of the collection is CLUM Boston office records including administrative files, correspondence, committee records, development and membership records, legal files, legislative files, and subject files. Other records include Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation (MCLUF), now known as the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUFM), records from 1970-1999 and CLUM chapter records from CLUM Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, and Worcester counties, and various student chapters.
The CLUM records are made up of annual reports, by-laws, policy statements, financial statements, officer lists, requests for legal assistance, legal case files, legal briefs, legal dockets, Massachusetts legislative files, Congressional legislative files, Massachusetts state and Congressional bills, newsletters, news releases, speeches, reports, studies, periodicals, photographs, audio tapes, hundreds of printed pamphlets, and clippings spanning 1970-1999.
Papers and briefs in the CLUM records relating to legal actions of interest illustrate a wide spectrum of civil liberty issues, including anarchy and sedition, academic freedom, censorship, compulsory flag salute, distribution of literature, loyalty oaths, public assembly, conscientious objectors, unionization, police malpractice, separation of church and state, aid to parochial schools, racial and religious discrimination, and the rights of voters, women, children, students, homosexuals, prisoners, patients, the handicapped, and the mentally ill.
Of particular interest are the papers and briefs relating to Massachusetts state-wide legal actions, such as Nicholls, Jr. v. Mayor and School Committee of Lynn (Mass.), the 1935-1939 compulsory flag salute case; Commonwealth v. Nichols (Mass.), the 1938 leaflet distribution case; Galardi v. Hague, U. S. Navy (Mass.), the 1946-1948 federal employee loyalty oath; Commonwealth v. Struik and Winner, the 1951-1956 anarchy case; Gallagher v. Crown Kosher Super Market (Mass.), the 1961-1962 censorship case; and Richardson v. Cole and Greenblatt (Mass.) the 1969 state employee loyalty oath.
State legislative efforts to abolish the Massachusetts Committee to Curb Communism (1937) and the Massachusetts Commission to Investigate Subversion (1950), as well as national legislative efforts like the lobby to abolish the Congressional House Un-American Activities Committee (1945-1970), the campaign to repeal the McCarran Act of 1950 during the McCarthy era, and the Nixon Impeachment Campaign (1973-1974) are included in the records. Of particular interest are the Federal Bureau of Investigation files requested in 1977 under the Freedom of Information Act, documenting FBI surveillance of ACLU and CLUM officers, members, and activities between 1920 and 1970.
In the 1980s and 1990s, CLUM records reflect its collaborative efforts with other organizations and individuals on various projects and coalitions. Coalitions of particular interest include the Campaign for Choice Coalition (reproductive rights) from 1983-1990, Bill of Rights Education Project from 1987-1999, and the youth-led Project Hip-Hop organization from 1992-1999, among many others. Records from the 1980s and 1990s also reflect the growth of the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation with records documenting trustee meetings, development and fund-raising activities, and interactions with donors and members. In addition, the legal and general subject files (also called FLAPS) of the 1980s and 1990s reflected the controversies addressed by CLUM, including due process, sentencing legislation, issues with prisoners and prisons, privacy and technology, speech and censorship, drug issues, racism and hate crimes, and reproductive freedom.
Additional material include papers of CLUM Executive Secretary and academic freedom activist Kirtley F. Mather, 1936-1958, papers of CLUM Church-State Committee Chairman Dunbar Holmes, 1952-1967; the papers of CLUM Vice Chair Florence Luscomb, 1922-1977; the reading and subject files of CLUM Director John Roberts, 1986-1999; and the papers of CLUM board member and MCLUF trustee Eva Moseley, 1970-2003. In addition the collection includes legal files of United States v. Leon J. Kamin, an anarchy case, 1954-1957; and records pertaining to civil rights controversies at Boston University, most notably those relating to a First Amendment suit brought by the bu exposure against Boston University President John Silber, 1977-1984.
The records of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM), formerly the Civil Liberties of Massachusetts (CLUM), are divided into three record groups: Record Group I, 1920-1969; Record Group II, 1927-1988 (bulk: 1970-1985); and Record Group III, 1970-2005 (bulk: 1985-2000). The record group divisions are based loosely on the date ranges of the records, the record keeping practices of the organization, and how and when the records were accessioned by the MHS.
Record Groups I and II were formerly arranged and described separately. This finding aid now brings all ACLUM and CLUM records together and supersedes all other versions of the finding aid. The variations in the arrangement of the three record groups reflect the nature of the records and different styles of arrangement and description over a period of thirty-five years. Although the series are arranged in three rough chronological sequences, users should note that there is some overlap in dates across the three record groups because of filing practices in the ACLUM offices.
The bulk of the records in Record Group I span the years 1920-1969, and are arranged chronologically in one series titled Archival records. Within each chronological series, the files folders are arranged to reflect the union's hierarchy and organization. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) administrative files are listed first, followed by alphabetical ACLU subject files. Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (CLUM) administrative files are after the ACLU files and are followed by alphabetical subject files. Printed materials and miscellaneous are arranged at the end of each chronological series. Other series, such as the personal papers of CLUM members Kirtley F. Mather and Dunbar Holmes, and county chapter records, among other series, follow the Archival records series.
The records in Group II are arranged differently than in Group I. The ACLU records, CLUM records, and then MCLUF records are each arranged into their own series. Within these series the records are then arranged in to sub-series by office, creator, or subject. As with Group I, there are other series that are listed after the organizational records.
The records in Group III are arranged similarly to Group II, with a few exceptions. ACLU records are not the first series listed in the collection; chapter records are arranged within the CLUM administrative series, and the directors' records, coalition records, and general subject files (FLAPS), are each arranged into their own series.
Acquisition Information
The records of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts were placed on deposit at the Massachusetts Historical Society in three main accessions (with occasional additions): 1970, 1989-1991, and 2005. Additional papers were placed on deposit in 1973, 2002, and 2003.
The papers of Eva Moseley were the gift of Eva Moseley, August 2008.
The bulk of Florence Luscomb's papers were the gift of Sharon Strom, July 2016.
Restrictions on Access
The American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@yuandianwan.com.
There are restrictions on the use of this collection. Users must sign an agreement stating that they understand these restrictions before they will be given access to the collection.
Restrictions on Use
The records of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts have been placed on deposit at the Massachusetts Historical Society. The Massachusetts Historical Society does not claim ownership of the literary rights (copyright) to this collection. The Massachusetts Historical Society cannot give permission to publish or quote from documents to which it does not hold copyright. Use of these materials does not imply permission to publish. It is the sole responsibility of the researcher to obtain formal permission from the owners of the literary rights (copyright) to publish or quote from documents in this collection.
Records containing confidential information such as client/attorney privileged communications, medical information, social security numbers, names and addresses of individuals who donated to ACLUM, and personnel matters have been removed from this collection. If a researcher should discover materials of this nature that have inadvertently been left in the collection, s/he will notify the reference staff immediately and will make no use whatsoever of the information contained in those records.
All reproductions, including photocopies and digital photographs, are for personal use only. Personal use copies may not be donated to or deposited in other libraries or archives, or made available to other researchers, without the written permission of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
Detailed Description of Record Group I
I. Archival records, 1920-1970
Arranged alphabetically within years.
This series contains the organizational files of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Boston office. The records document ACLUM's various administrative, legal, legislative, and educational activities within the ACLU national organization, ACLU affiliates, local, regional, and national civil liberties groups, and individuals.
The files, dating from 1920 to the early 1960's, focus on ACLUM's defense of First Amendment freedoms of speech, religion, press, and assembly during an era of heightened national fear of aliens, labor's radical subversion and their alleged communist threats to the national security. The bulk of the records, dating from 1960 to 1969, reflect the civil rights movement within Massachusetts and the United States.
Note: The files are arranged alphabetically within years. Many years overlap across two or more cartons. ACLU and CLUM files precede alphabetical topical files which are followed by miscellaneous printed material. Not all years contain each of these elements.
Note: Records for 1920-1939 are in one alphabetical sequence in cartons 1 and 2.
Annual Reports, 1921-1938
"The Fight for Free Speech," September 1921
"The Record of the Fight for Free Speech in 1923," May 1924
"Free Speech in 1924," April 1925
"Free Speech in 1925-26," April 1926
"Free Speech 1926," April 1927
"The Fight For Civil Liberty, 1927-1928," 1928
"The Story of Civil Liberty, 1927-1928," 1930
"Sweet Land of Liberty, 1931-1932," June 1932
"Land of The Pilgrim's Pride, 1933-1934," June 1933
"Liberty Under A New Deal, 1933-1934," June 1934
"Land of The Free, 1934-1935," June 1935
"How Goes the Bill Of Rights? 1935-1936," June 1936
"Let Freedom Ring! 1936-1937," June 1937
"Local Liberties Committees, Reports 1937-1938," supplement, June 1938
Printed, 1932-1937
"Injunction to...," 1937
"Sedition, Criminal Syndicalism...," 1937
Leaflets, 1937
Committees, officer lists, reports, 1936, 1938-1939
Executive Committee, minutes, 1930-1939
Correspondence, 1930-1939
Printed, 1920-1938
Boston Common (freedom of speech), 1929
Censorship (Sacco-Vanzetti), 1928-1932
De Jonge v. The State of Oregon (U.S. Supreme Court) (criminal syndicalism), 1936
Federal Communications Commission
Act of 1934
Rules and regulations, 1938
Annual report, 1939
Rules and regulations, 1939
Hamilton v. Regents of University of California (U.S. Supreme Court), 1934
Massachusetts Civil League, Boston Housing Reports, 1930, 1932-1933, 1936
Massachusetts Commission to Investigate Subversion, 1937-1938
Massachusetts Commission to Investigate Subversion, Sherman Commission, "Reports of The Social Commission to Investigate the Activities within this Commonwealth of Communistic, Fascist, Nazi and other Subversive Organizations...," Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1938
Massachusetts Legislation, 1930-1939
Minersville School District v. Gobitis (U.S. Supreme Court) (flag salute), 1939
National Legislation, 1938-1939
Nichols v. Mavor and School Committee of Lynn, Massachusetts (flag salute), 1935-1937
Nichols and Thompson v. Commonwealth of Mass. (U.S. Supreme Court) (leaflet distribution), 1939
Senn v. Tile Layers Union (U.S. Supreme Court) (14th Amendment), 1936
Watch and Ward Society, 1930-1932
Miscellaneous Printed, 1922, 1928, 1935-1939
ACLU General Correspondence, 1940
ACLU Printed, 1940
Committees, correspondence, reports, 1940
General Correspondence, 1940
Executive Committee, minutes, 1940
Alien Registration Act of 1940
American Committee for Protection of the Foreign Born, 4th annual conference, 1940
American Committee for Protection of the Foreign Born, These United States, biweekly, 1940
American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom, News, monthly, 1940
Anti-Poll Tax Bill, printed, 1940-1941
Burke-Wadsworth Compulsory Military Training Bill, (selective service)
Common Council for American Unity, Foreign Language Information Service, newsletter, 1940
Crusader News Agency, weekly, 1940
Dies Committee, 1940
International Labor Defense. Equal Justice, quarterly, 1940
Massachusetts Mother's Health Council, 1940 (Planned Parenthood)
National Emergency Conference for Democratic Rights, Bill of Rights News, monthly, 1940
National legislation, 1940
New England Conference on Civil Liberties, "Witch Hunting," address by O. John Rogge, 1940
New York Conference for Unalienable Rights, Newsletter, fortnightly, 1940
Planned Parenthood Federation, 1940
U.S. Department of Justice, memoranda, 1940
Miscellaneous Printed, 1940
Annual Report, "Local Civil Liberties Committees, 1940-1941," supplement, 1941
Board of Directors, minutes, 1941
General Correspondence, 1941
Memoranda, 1941
Arthur Garfield Hayes, photograph, 1941
Printed, 1941
Annual Meeting, 1941
Annual Report, 1940-1941
Bulletin and Newsletter, 1941
General Correspondence, 1941
Bishop G. Bromley Oxham, correspondence, 1941
Albert Sprague Coolidge, correspondence, 1941
Committee Correspondence, 1941
Executive Committees
Correspondence, 1941
Minutes, 1941
Correspondence, 1941
Minutes, 1941
Budget and reports, 1941
Bills and Lease, 1941
General and Advisory Committee, correspondence, 1941
Information Requests, 1941
Legal Committee
Correspondence, 1940-1941
Requests for assistance, 1940-194
Minutes and memoranda, 1941
Literature Requests, 1941
Membership Appeals, 1941
Membership Committee, correspondence, 1941
Newsclipping Bureau, 1941
Speaker's Bureau, 1941
American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born, 1941-1942
Bibliographies on Civil Liberties, 1938-1941
Bill of Rights Day
Correspondence, 1941
Educational program, 1941
Printed, 1941
Harry Bridges, Printed, 1939-1941
Censorship, 1938, 1940-1941
Common Council for American Unity, Newsletter, 1941
Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. George Pascone, 1941
Congress of Industrial Organizations, Bulletin, 1941
Crusader News Service, 1941
Institute for Living Law, report in Gillette Bill for Propaganda, S 990, 1941
International Labor Defense, newsletter, 1941
Freedom of Speech, 1941
Labor, 1941
Legislation, Mass. and national, 1941
Massachusetts Legislation, correspondence, 1941
Massachusetts Legislators, profiles, 1941
National Legislation, correspondence, 1941
National Federation of Constitutional Liberties Bulletin, 1941
New York Conference for Unalienable Rights, newsletter, 1941
Oklahoma and Minneapolis Criminal Syndicalism and Sedition cases, 1941
Alan Shaw v. State of Oklahoma, 1941
William Tuthill Parry v. Dennis W. Delaney (Mass.), 1940-1941
U.S. Department of Justice, news releases, 1941
Robert Wood v. State of Oklahoma, 1941
Miscellaneous Printed, 1941
Annual Report, "The Bill of Rights in War, 1941-1942," supplement, 1942
Correspondence, January-June 1942
Annual Meeting, 1942
Annual Report, 1941-1942
By-laws, undated, 1942
General Correspondence, 1942
Albert Sprague Coolidge, correspondence, 1942
Committees, correspondence lists, 1942
Executive Committee, minutes, 1942
Financial Statements, 1942
Financial, bills, 1942.
Committee, requests for assistance, 1942
Literature Requests, 1942
Membership, correspondence, 1942
Membership Appeals, 1942
Membership Dues, receipts, 1942
Nominating Committee, 1942
Program Committee, 1942
Publicity Committee, 1942
Speakers Bureau, 1942
Earl Browder, Citizens Committee to Free, 1942
Censorship, 1942
Conscientious Objectors, 1941-1942
Discrimination, 1942
Jehovah's Witnesses, flag salute, 1942
National Legislation, 1942
"Native Lands," Frontier film, 1941-1942
Anti-Poll Tax, legislation, 1942
Poll Tax Jury, Odell Walker Case, 1942
Sedition, 1942
U.S. Department of Justice, news releases, January- February 1942
War Measures, 1942
Annual Report, "Local Civil Liberties Committees, 1942-1943," supplement, 1943
Minutes, 1943
Correspondence, 1943
Annual Meeting and Poll-Tax Conference, 1943
Annual Report, 1942-1943
General Correspondence, 1943
Education Committee, 1943
Essay Contest, "The Citadel of Democracy: Our Bill of Rights," 1943
Essay Contests, winners, 1943
Executive Committee, correspondence, 1943
Executive Committee, minutes, lists, 1943
Financial, bills, 1943
Financial Statements, 1943
General Committee, 1943
Legal Committee, requests for assistance, 1943
Legislative Committee, 1943
Literature Requests, 1943
Committee Meetings, 1943
Membership, 1943
Membership Appeals, 1943
A. Howard Meyers, correspondence, 1943
Nominating Committee, 1943
Speakers Bureau, 1943
Boston Teachers Union, married women teachers, 1943
Censorship, January-June 1943
Committee Against Racial Discrimination in the War Effort, 1943
Dies Committee, January-April 1943
Four Freedom Fellowship of Brookline, 1943
Japanese Relocation, 1943
Jehovah's Witnesses, flag salute, 1943
Labor, 1943
Sargent Alton Levy, U.S. Army, racial discrimination, 1943
Massachusetts Citizens Committee for Racial Unity, 1943
National Committee to Abolish the Poll Tax, 1943
National Federation for Constitutional Liberties, "Investigates Martin Dies!" printed, 1943
National Legislation, 1943
Police Brutality, Charleston, Mass., 1941-1943
Poll Tax, national legislation, 1943
Racial Discrimination, July-December 1943
Racial Discrimination, USO, 1943
Religious Discrimination, June-December 1943
Freedom of Speech, Quincy, Mass., 1943 (labor civil rights)
U.S. Department of Justice, report on alien registration, 1943
Annual Report, 1943-1944
General Correspondence, 1944
Financial Statements, 1944
Executive Committee, minutes, 1944
General Committee, minutes, 1944
Censorship, 1944
Discrimination, racial and religious, 1944
Annual Report, 1944-1945
General Correspondence, 1945
Executive Committee, minutes, 1945
Financial Statements, 1945
Finance and Membership Committees, 1945
Printed, "Are They Fooling You?," draft, 1945
Printed. "Are They Fooling You?," correspondence, 1945
Peacetime Conscription, national legislation, 1945
Peacetime Conscription, printed, 1945
Racial and Religious Discrimination, 1945
Miscellaneous Printed, 1945
ACLU, 1946
General Correspondence, 1946
Henry Berlin, treasurer, correspondence, 1946-47
Committee, lists, 1946
Executive Committee, correspondence, July-December 1946
Executive Committee, minutes, 1946
Financial Campaign, 1946
Financial Statements, 1946
General Committee, correspondence, 1946
Legal Council, report, 1945-1946
Legislative Committee, 1946
Literature Requests, 1946
Literature Requests, "Are They Fooling You?," 1946
Membership, 1946
Student Membership, 1946
Newsletter, 1946
Boston Police Department, 1946
Censorship, 1946
Church-State, 1946
Civil Rights Congress, 1946
Civil Rights Congress, Action, bulletin, 1946-1947
Committee for Amnesty, Amnesty Bulletin, 1946
Conscientious Objectors, 1946-1947
Conscription, 1946
Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC), 1946-1947
Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC), printed, 1946
Freedom of Speech, Fall River, Mass., 1946
Governor's Committee for Racial and Religious Understanding, correspondence, 1946
Governor's Committee for Racial and Religious Understanding, newsletter, 1945-1946
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 1945
House Un-American Activities Committee, 1946
House Un-American Activities Committee, Congressional printed, 1946
House Un-American Activities Committee, petitions against, 1946
National Council for a Permanent FEPC Bill, 1946
National Federation for Constitutional Liberties, HUAC, 1946
Massachusetts Legislation, 1946
National Legislation, 1946
Parochial School Transportation Law, 1946
Miscellaneous Printed, 1945-47
U.S. Marine Corps, Investigation, 1945-1946
Minutes, 1947
Memoranda, 1947
Affiliates, 1947
Printed, 1947
Committee Lists, 1947
Executive Committee, correspondence. January-March 1947
Executive Committee, minutes, 1947. CLUM General and Advisory Committee, 1947
General Correspondence, 1947
Financial Statements, 1947
Counsel, annual report, 1946-1947
Legal Counsel, requests for assistance, 1947
Literature Requests, 1947
Literature Requests, "Are They Fooling You?," 1947
Membership, 1947
Newsletter, 1947
News releases, 1947
Radio Broadcasts, 1946
Radio Broadcasts, 1947
Speakers Bureau, 1947
Academic Freedom, Lyman R. Bradley, New York University, 1947-1948
Attorney General v. The Book Named Forever Amber (Mass.), 1947
Boston Police Department, police brutality, 1947. Censorship, 1947
Church-State, 1947
Congressional, printed, 1947
Stephen H. Fritchman. The Christian Register, 1946-1947
Galardi v. Hague, U.S. Navy (Mass.), 1946-1947
Galardi v. Hague, U.S. Navy (Mass.), briefs, 1946
Galardi v. Hague, U.S. Navy (Mass.), briefs, 1947
Galardi v. Hague, U.S. Navy (Mass.), briefs, 1947-1948
Galardi v. Hague, U.S. Navy (Mass.), briefs, 1948
Galardi v. Hague, U.S. Navy (Mass.), J.L. Saltonstall, Jr., correspondence, 1946-1947
Galardi v. Hague, U.S. Navy (Mass.), J.L. Saltonstall. Jr., correspondence, 1947-1948
House Un-American Activities Committee, 1947
Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Gilfedder, 1945-1947
Massachusetts Committee on Subversive Activities, H 1906, 1947
Massachusetts Legislation, 1947
National Legislation, 1947
President's Committee on Civil Liberties, 1947
Racial Discrimination, 1947
Harlow Shapley, House Un-American Activities Committee, 1946-1947
U.S.A. vs. Paramount Pictures, Inc. (U.S. Supreme Court), 1947
Miscellaneous Printed, 1947
Annual Report, 1947-1948
Board of Directors, minutes, 1948
Affiliates, correspondence, 1948
Affiliates, minutes, 1948
ACLU Affiliates, printed, 1948
Memoranda, 1948
Printed, 1948
Annual Meeting, 1948
By-laws, 1948
Committee Lists, 1948
Advisory Committee, 1948
Executive Committee, correspondence, 1948
Executive Committee, minutes, 1948.
General Committee, 1948
General Correspondence, 1948
Legal Counsel, requests for assistance, 1948
Membership, 1948
Newsletter, 1948
Speakers Bureau, 1948
Frank E. Baker, loyalty test case, 1948
Frank E. Baker, loyalty test case, affidavits, 1948
Frank E. Baker, loyalty test case, correspondence, 1948-1949
Censorship, 1948
Censorship, The Nation, notes, 1948
Censorship of The Nation, 1948
Church-State, released time, 1948
Church-State, printed, 1948
Racial Discrimination, 1948
Housing Equality, 1948
Massachusetts Legislation, 1948
Massachusetts Legislation, correspondence, January-February 1948
Mundt Bill, Subversive Activities Act of 1948
Mundt Bill, 1948
Political Freedom, Communist Party, 1948
Poll-Tax, 1948
Selective Service Act of 1948
Freedom of Speech, 1948-49
Miscellaneous, 1948
ACLU Annual Report, 1948-1949
Minutes, 1949
Affiliates, 1949
29th Annual Conference, 1949
Bill of Rights Day, 1949
Bulletin, 1949
Memoranda, 1949
Printed, 1949
Annual Meeting, 1949
Annual Report, 1949
General Correspondence, 1949
Coordination Committee, 1949
Committee on Racial and Religious Discrimination, 1949
Executive Committee, correspondence, 1949
Executive Committee, minutes, 1949
General Committee, 1949
Counsel, requests for assistance, 1949
Legislative Committee, 1949
Membership, 1949
Newsletter, 1949
Speakers Bureau, 1949
Volunteers, 1949
Printed, 1949
Academic Freedom, 1948-1949
Censorship, 1949
Chelsea Public Schools (Mass.), 1949
Loyalty Tests for Federal Employment, 1947-1949
Massachusetts Housing, Correspondence, 1949
Massachusetts Housing Legislation, 1949
Massachusetts Legislation, I, 1949
Political Freedom, Communist Party, 1949
Miscellaneous Printed, 1949
By-laws, 1950
Correspondence, 1950
Memoranda, 1950
Minutes, 1950
Printed, 1950
Annual Meeting, 1950
Annual Report, 1950
By-laws, 1950
Committee, member lists, 1950
Executive Committee, correspondence, 1950
Executive Committee, minutes, 1950
General and Advisory Committee, minutes, 1950
Legal Committee, 1950
Legislative Committee, 1950
Correspondence, 1950
Financial, 1950
Lawyers Panel, correspondence, 1950-51
Legal Counsel, requests for assistance, June-December 1950
Letter to Clergy, 1950
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1950
Luther MacNair, reports, 1950
Membership, 1950
Speakers, 1950
Printed, 1950
Censorship, 1950
Civil Liberties Groups, correspondence, 1949-1951
Civil Rights, 1950
"Little Dies Committee" (Mass.), CLUM opposition lobby, 1950
Donlon Order (Mass.), CLUM opposition lobby, 1950
Housing, 1950
Internal Security Act of 1950
Massachusetts Committee to Curb Communism, 1950
McCarran Act of 1950
Mundt Bill, CLUM opposition activities, 1950
Mundt Bill, CLUM opposition lobby, 1949-1950
Mundt Bill, Congressional correspondence, 1949-1950
Mundt Bill, organizations opposed, 1950
Mundt Bill, printed, 1949-1950
Mundt Bill, text, 1950
Mundt-Nixon-Ferguson Bill, CLUM opposition speech, 1949
Mundt-Nixon-Ferguson Bill, 1949
National Committee to Defeat the Mundt Bill, 1949-1950
Nixon Bill, ACLU Congressional opposition testimony, 1950
Political Freedom, Communist Party, 1950
Resolutions on Civil Liberties by Churches, 1950
Miscellaneous Printed, 1950
Correspondence, 1951
ACLU Memoranda, 1951
Censorship, 1951
Printed, 1951
Annual Meeting, Howard Mumford Jones, loyalty oath, 1951
Executive Committee, correspondence, 1951
Committee, minutes, 1951
General Committee, 1951
Counsel, requests for assistance, 1951
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1951
Printed, Donlon order, 1951
American Jewish Congress, Weekly, November 1950, April 1951
Boston Bar Association, Bulletin, 1951
Boston Bar Association, Communist resolution, 1951
Brookline Public Library, censored, 1951
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, 1951
Clergyman's Committee for Civil Liberties, 1951
Donlon letter to CLUM alleging communist affiliation, 1951
Jones v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1951
Jones v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, correspondence, 1951
Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Dubin, Jones. Mendelsohn, 1950
Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Dubin, Jones, Mendelsohn, 1951
Massachusetts Legislation, anti-Communist, 1951
Massachusetts Legislation, House Bill 426, banning Communist party from state of Massachusetts, 1951
National Lawyer's Guild, 1951
Northeastern Law Review, May 1951
Northeastern University Law Club, 1951
Smith Act of 1940, CLUM opposition, 1951
Smith Act of 1940, 1951-1952
Miscellaneous Printed, 1951
Correspondence, 1952
Memoranda, 1952
Affiliates, newsletters, 1952
Censorship, "The Judges and the Judged," by Merle Miller, 1952
Reports, 1952
ACLU of Chicago, Executive Committee, minutes, 1952
ACLU of Southern California, Board of Directors, minutes, 1952
Printed, 1952
Annual Meeting, 1952
CLUM Annual Report, 1952
By-laws, 1952
Educational Campaign Benefit Concert, 1952
Executive Committee, correspondence, 1952
Executive Committee, minutes, 1952
General and Advisory Committee, 1952
Legal Counsel, requests for assistance, 1952
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1952
Membership, 1952
Membership, integration with ACLU, 1952
Newsletter, 1952
America's Town Meeting on the Air, Faneuil Hall, broadcast, 1952
America's Town Meeting, workshops on civil liberties, 1952
Boston Public Library, censored, 1952
Clergymen's Committee for Civil Liberties, 1952
Clergymen's Luncheon, 1952
Conscientious Objectors, 1952
Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Struik and Winner, 1951-52
Massachusetts Committee for Civil Liberties, 1952
Massachusetts Legislation, 1952
Massachusetts Legislation, correspondence, 1952
The Nation, June, Sept, 1952
National Committee to Repeal the McCarran Act, news releases, 1952
Resolutions on Civil Liberties by Churches, 1952
USA Confidential, censored, 1952
United States v Sumner (Mass.) (probation violation), 1949-52
Miscellaneous Printed, 1952
Correspondence, 1953
Memoranda, 1953
Minutes, 1953
Affiliates, Iowa, New York, St. Louis, 1953
ACLU of Chicago, 1953
ACLU of Cleveland, 1953
ACLU of Southern California, 1953
Censorship Report, 1952-53
Gwinn Amendment Test Cases, 1953
Annual Meeting, 1953
Committee Lists, 1953
Executive Committee, correspondence, 1953
Executive Committee, minutes, 1953
Finance Committee, 1953
Membership Campaign, 1953
Legal Counsel, requests for assistance, 1953
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1953
Boston Bar Association, "Liberty Under Law," playscript by Vahan Tashjian, 1953
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, 1953
Community Church of Boston, censored, 1953
Frank T. Emma (Mass.) case, 1950-53
House Un-American Activities Committee, opposition statements, 1953
Intergroup Relations Council of Boston, 1953
Legislation, correspondence, 1953
Legislation, bills, 1953
Committee to Repeal the McCarran Act, 1953
McCarran Act, printed, 1950-53.
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, 1952-53
Springfield and Chicopee Public Schools (Mass.), church-state, 1953
Miscellaneous Printed, 1953
By-laws, 1954
Correspondence, 1954
Memoranda, 1954
"Analysis of Whose Civil Liberties?" American Legion Magazine, May 1954
Membership Campaign, 1954
Executive Committee, minutes, September 1954
Legal Counsel, requests for assistance, 1954
Ad Hoc "Watchdog" Committee (Mass Commission to Investigate Communism) Investigation, 1954
Censorship, 1952-54
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, attorney guide, 1954
Doctor's Draft Act, 1954
Faxon vs. Boston School Committee, (Mass.), 1954
Harvard Law School, CLUM Chapter, 1954
Legislation, correspondence, 1954
Legislation, memorandums, 1954
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, 1954
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, 1955
Massachusetts Council of Churches, educational campaign, 1954
Massachusetts Legislative, bills, 1954
The Progressive, April 1954
Resolutions on Civil Liberties by churches, 1950-57
Miscellaneous Printed, 1954
CLUM Speakers, 1955
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, attorney guide, 1955
Miscellaneous, 1955
CLUM Speakers, 1956
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, 1954-56
Massachusetts Legislation, 1956
Miscellaneous, 1956
Minutes, 1957
Affiliates, N.Y., St. Louis, 1957
Report, U.S. Marine Corps and Civil Liberties, 1957
Executive Committee, correspondence, minutes, 1957
Financial Statements, 1957
Council, requests for assistance, 1957
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1957
Speakers, 1957
Academic Freedom, Richard DeHaan, Brandeis University, 1957
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, attorney guide, 1957
Federal Employee Security Program, legislation, 1957
Legislation, 1956-57
Legislation, bills, 1957
Massachusetts Council of Churches, 1957
Springfield Citizen's Committee on Police Practices, report, 1957
U.S. Travel and Passport Acts of 1958, 1957-58
Miscellaneous Printed, 1957
Biennial Conference, 1958
Correspondence, 1958
Minutes, 1958
Lloyd Barenblatt v. U.S.A.,(U.S. Supreme Court) 1958
ACLU gent and Briehi v. Dulles, Secretary of State (U.S. Supreme Court), 1957
Oliphant et al Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen (U.S. Court Appellate), 1958
Record of 85th Congress on Civil Liberties Legislation, 1958
Sunshine Book Co. v. Summerfield, U.S. Postmaster (U.S. Supreme Court) 1957
Walter Omnibus Bill, HR 9352, 1958 (amend Internal Security Act of 1950).
Printed, 1958
Annual Meeting, Roger Baldwin, 1958
Bulletin, 1958
Executive Committee, correspondence, financial statements, 1958
Executive Committee, minutes, 1958
Nominating Committee, 1954-58
Legal Counsel, cases, correspondence, report, 1958
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1958
Speakers, 1958
Censorship, 1957-58
Church-State, 1958
Church-State, Weymouth Public Schools, 1958
Conscientious Objectors, 1958
Paul A. Freund, "Supreme Court Crisis," Brandeis University, address, 1958
Massachusetts Legislation, 1958
Massachusetts Council of Churches, 1958
Massachusetts Council on Civil Rights, 1957-61
The Nation, "The FBI," by Fred J. Cook, October 1958
National Legislation, 1958
Papal Encyclical Letter on Censorship, 1957
Leo Pfeiffer, "Court and It's Critics," Boston University, address, 1958
Radio-TV, Broadcasts on Civil Liberties, 1958
Springfield College Community Tensions Center (Mass.), annual report, 1957-58
Miscellaneous Printed, 1958
Affiliates, 1959
Correspondence, 1959
Memoranda, 1959
Minutes, 1959
Annual Meeting, Paul A. Freund, speaker, 1959
Bulletin, 1959
Church-State Committee, correspondence, 1959
Church-State Committee, minutes, 1959
Criminal Justice and Police Practices Committee, 1959
Executive Committee, correspondence, 1959
Executive Committee, minutes, 1959
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1959
Financial Statements, 1959
Legal Counsel, requests for legal assistance, June-December 1959
Speaking Engagements, 1958-59
America, "The Dilemma of the ACLU," by Father Robert Drinan, 1959
American Jewish Congress, "Major Congressional Civil Liberties Proposals," 1959
Brown v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Mass. Supreme Judicial Court), 1959
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, attorney guide, 1959
Censorship, 1959
Church-State, Holyoke Public School case, 1959
Cushing, Cardinal Richard, Boston Evening American, 1959
Freedom Agenda Program, radio-tv scripts, 1959
J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, The Progressive, 1959
Intergroup Relations Council of Greater Boston, correspondence, minutes, 1957-59
Massachusetts Council of Churches, correspondence, minutes, bulletins, 1959
Massachusetts Legislation, 1959
Massachusetts Legislation, bills, 1959
National Legislation, 1959
Radio, TV, Films, bibliography, 1956-59
Smith v. California (U.S. Supreme Court), 1959
Thompson v. Louisville, Kentucky (U.S. Supreme Court), 1959
Torcaso v. Watkins (Maryland), 1959
United States v. Martinez-Mendoza (U.S. Supreme Court), 1959
Wilkinson v. United States (U.S. Supreme Court), 1959
Miscellaneous Printed, 1959
Biennial Conference, 1960
Minutes, 1960
ACLU of Kentucky, criminal code committee, 1960
Printed, 1960
Annual Meeting, 1960
Bulletin, winter 1960
Bulletin, summer 1960
Executive Committee, lists, minutes, financial statements, 1960
State Committee, correspondence, minutes, 1960
Legislative Committee, 1960
Lawyers Panel, correspondence, minutes, 1960
Legal Assistance Requests, 1960
Letter to Clergy, 1960
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1960
Membership, 1960
Newsletter "Civil Liberties in the Bay State" 1960-68
Speaking Engagements, 1960
American Nazi Party, George L. Rockwell case, 1960
Censorship, 1960
Censorship, reports on pornography, 1960
Discrimination, racial, 1960
Gallegher v. Crown Kosher of Massachusetts (U.S. Supreme Court) (Sunday blue laws), 1960
Harrison and Channel Lumber v. Furman (New Jersey), 1960
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 1960
Intergroup Relations Council of Greater Boston, 1960
Lamps v. United States (U.S. Court of Appeals), 1960
Massachusetts Council of Churches, 1960
Massachusetts Legislation, bills, 1960
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) v. City of Chester (Pennsylvania), 1960
National Legislation, 1960
Nominating Committee, ballots 1960
Nomination Committee, nominations 1960
Nomination Committee, Miscellaneous 1960
Ragsdale v. Overholser (U.S. Court of Appeals), 1960
Religious Issues in the 1960 Presidential Campaign, 1960
Scholle v. Hare and Beadle, (Michigan), 1960
Unites States v. Bonanno (U.S. Court of Appeals), 1960
Unites States v. Bufalino (U.S. Court of Appeals), 1960
United States ex rel Williams v. La Valle (U.S. Supreme Court), 1960
Miscellaneous Printed, 1960
Civil Liberties, monthly, 1961
Academic Freedom Committee, memoranda, minutes, 1961
Church State Committee, memoranda, minutes, 1961
National Defense Education Act, 1961-62
Bulletin, winter 1961
Church-State Committee, correspondence, minutes, 1961
Executive Committee, correspondence, lists, 1961
Executive Committee, minutes, 1961
Financial Statements, 1961
Lawyers Panel, requests for legal assistance, minutes, 1961
Letter to Clergy, 1961
Membership, 1961
Attorney General v. Tropic of Cancer (Mass.), 1961-62
Bibliographies on Civil Liberties, 1961
Censorship, 1961
Church-State, 1961
Civil Rights, 1959-61
Denominational Resolutions, Anti-HUAC, 1961
House Un-American Activities Committee, 1961
House Un-American Activities Committee, correspondence, 1961
Intergroup Relations Council of Greater Boston, 1961
John Birch Society, 1961
Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Dorius (capital punishment), 1961
Massachusetts Council of Churches, 1961
Massachusetts Council of Churches, minutes, correspondence, 1961.
Massachusetts Legislation, 1961
The Nation, "CIA," by Fred J. Cook, June 1961
The Nation, "Juggernaut: the Welfare State," by Fred J Cook, October 1961
National Conference of Police Associations, "Resolution on ACLU," 1961
"Operation Abolition," HUAC Film, 1961
Miscellaneous Printed, 1961
Pennsylvania vs. Bell, 1961
Biennial Conference, 1962
Church-State Committee, memos, minutes, news releases, 1962
Annual Meeting, "Operation Correction," anti-HUAC film, 1962
Bulletin, winter 1962
Bulletin, summer 1962
Committees, 1959-62
Executive Committee, correspondence, 1962
Executive Committee, minutes, 1962
Censorship Committee, Attorney General v The Book Named Tropic of Cancer, (Mass.), 1962
Church-State Committee, correspondence, 1962
Courses in Civil Liberties, 1962
Financial Appeal, 1962
Financial Statements, budgets, reports, 1962
Lawyers Panel, minutes, 1962
Legal Counsel, requests for assistance, 1962
Letter to Clergy, 1962
Speaking Engagements, 1962
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1962
Academic Freedom, Marshall LaForet case (Mass.), 1962
Clark Byse, "Procedure in Student Dismissal Procedures: Law and Policy," speech, 1962
Church-State, 1962
Committee to Counter Neo-McCarthyism, 1961-62
Denominational Resolutions on Civil Liberties, 1959-62
Federal Aide to Education, 1960-62
Gideon v. Cochrane, Division of Corrections (U.S. Supreme Court), 1962
Intergroup Relations Council of Greater Boston, 1962
Labor Conference on Peace, "Labor and Politics of Peace," Sumner M. Rosen, 1962
Massachusetts Council of Churches, correspondence, minutes, newsletter, 1962
Massachusetts Council on Discrimination in Housing, 1962
Massachusetts Legislation, 1962
Massachusetts Legislation, bills, 1962
National Legislation, 1962
"Operation Correction," anti-HUAC film, 1962
Students for a Democratic Society, "Port Huron Statement," 1962
Sunday Blue Laws (Mass.), 1962
Civil Liberties, monthly, January-June 1963
Church-State Committee, memoranda, minutes, 1963
Annual Meeting, 1963
Bulletin, winter 1963
Bulletin, summer 1963
Committees, lists, 1963
Censorship Committee, 1963
Executive Committee, Brandeis, 1963
Executive Committee, correspondence, 1963
Executive Committee, minutes, 1963
Financial Statements, budgets, reports, member receipts, 1963
Legal Counsel, requests for assistance, reports, 1963
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1963
Membership, 1962-63
Membership Drive, correspondence, lists, 1963
News releases, 1963
Speaking Engagements, 1963
Aberle, Kathleen Gough, Brandeis University, academic freedom, 1963
Boston Redevelopment Authority, Planned Parenthood incident, 1963
Brooke, Edward W., position paper, 1963
Church-State, correspondence, 1962-63
Church-State, printed, 1953, 1960-63
Federal Aid to Religious Housing, 1963
Group Research Report, newsletter, 1962-63
House Un-American Activities Committee, 1962-63
Intergroup Relations Council of Greater Boston, memos, minutes, newsletters, 1963
Edmund S. Izzo, Salem State College (Mass.), academic freedom, 1963
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, August 1963
Massachusetts Council of Churches, resolutions on civil liberties, 1963
Massachusetts Council for Civil Rights, 1962-63
Massachusetts Committee on Discrimination in Housing, 1963
Massachusetts Committee on Discrimination in Housing, reports, 1963
Massachusetts Housing, printed, 1963
Massachusetts Legislation, 1963
Massachusetts Legislation, bills, 1963
National Legislation, 1963
New England Conference in Extending the Democratic Process, 1963
Radio-TV spots on civil liberties, 1961-63
Tax Exempt Status, 1963-69
Affiliates, 1964
Biennial Conference, correspondence, program, papers delivered, 1964
Correspondence, 1964
Memoranda, 1964
Minutes, 1964
"The ACLU-Today and Tomorrow," ACLU function and future role, 1964
Church-State, shared time, 1964
Church-State, tax exemptions of religious bodies, 1964
Arizona Civil Liberties Union, minutes, 1964
ACLU of Northern California, report 1960-63, minutes, newsletter, 1964
ACLU of Southern California, correspondence, newsletter, 1964
Colorado Branch, ACLU, minutes, newsletter, 1964
Illinois Division, ACLU, minutes, newsletter, 1964
ACLU of Michigan, correspondence, Baldwin Tribute, 1964
ACLU, Minnesota Branch, ACLU, minutes, newsletter, 1964
New York Civil Liberties Union, correspondence, minutes, newsletter, 1964
Greater Philadelphia Branch, correspondence, newsletter, 1964
National Capital Area Civil Liberties Union, minutes, newsletter, 1964
ACLU of Washington, newsletter, 1964
Annual Meeting, James W. Silver, "Mississippi, the Closed Society," 1964
Bulletin, winter 1964
Bulletin, summer 1964
CLUM Committee, correspondence, lists, 1964
Censorship Committee, Naked Lunch, by William Burroughs, 1964
Church-State Committee, 1964
Church-State Committee, "Religion in the Schools," 1964
Executive Committee, correspondence, 1964
Executive Committee, minutes, 1964
Financial, budgets, statements, member receipts, 1964
CLUM Freedom of Speech and Assembly Committee, 1964
Information Requests, 1964.
Lawyer's Panel, requests for assistance, 1964
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1964
Memoranda, 1964
News releases, 1964
Photographs, 1964
Police Practices Committee, 1964
Speaking Engagements, 1964
American Jewish Congress, "U.S. Supreme Court Civil Rights and Liberties Decisions," 1963-64
Americans for Democratic Action, 1962-64
Attorney General v. North Brookfield School Committee (Mass.) (Bible reading and prayer in schools), 1964
Becker Amendment, school prayer, 1964
Boston Schools Freedom Day Stayout, to protest de facto segregation, 1964
Civil Rights, correspondence, memoranda, newsletters, 1964
Courses in Civil Liberties, 1964
Gartner, Alan, "The Police the Community: Police Practices and Minority Groups," Brandeis University, 1964
Group Research Report, newsletter in right-wing groups, index, 1964
Intergroup Relations Council of Greater Boston, 1964
Massachusetts Committee on Discrimination in Housing, 1964
Massachusetts Council of Churches, correspondence, memoranda, minutes, newsletters, 1964
Massachusetts Housing, printed, 1964
Massachusetts Legislation, 1964
Massachusetts Legislation, bills, 1964
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 1964
The Nation, "The Hoffa Trial," by Fred J. Cook, 1964
National Legislation, 1964
Miscellaneous Printed, civil rights, church-state, 196
Students for a Democratic Society, 1964
Affiliates, Wisconsin Civil Liberties Union, 1965
Board of Directors, minutes, 1965
Board Officers and Committee Members, 1965-67
Committee, minutes, 1965.
State Committee, memoranda, minutes, 1965
Police Practices Committee, 1965.
Memoranda, 1965
ACLU of Southern California, "Police Malpractice and the Watts Riot," 1965
Academic Freedom, 1965
Feature Press Service, weekly, 1965
Lawyer's Constitutional Defense Committee (LCDC), 1965
LCDC Mississippi Docket, 1965
LCDC Prospective, 1965
Legal Docket, 1965
Minutes, Meetings, 1965
National Development Council, 1965
News releases, 1965
1940 Resolution, 1965
Shared-Time, 1965
Working Papers, 1965
"Survey of National Office Organization and Procedures and its Relations with the Affiliates," report, 1965
Annual Meeting, nomination lists, 1965
Bulletin, winter 1965
Bulletin, summer 1965
Censorship Committee, 1965
Church-State Committee, 1965
Correspondence, 1965
Development Committee, 1965
Executive Committee, correspondence, officer list, 1965
Executive Committee, minutes, 1965. CLUM Legislative Committee, 1965
CLUM Police Practices Committee, 1965
Freedom of Speech and Assembly Committee, 1965
Development Drive, correspondence, 1965
Development Drive, member lists, 1965
Financial, 1965
Information Requests, 1965
Legal Counsel, 1964-1965
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1965
Membership, 1964-1965
New Membership Drive, 1965
News releases, 1965
Public Relations, 1965
Speaking Engagements, 1965
Volunteers, 1965
Alabama, Selma, 1965
Bass v. State of Mississippi, 1965
Church-State, 1964-65
Civil Rights, 1965
Civil Rights, printed, 1964-1965
Governor James P. Coleman (Miss.), court appointment controversy, 1965
"The Cool World," film, by Fred Wiseman, 1965
Driver v. Hinnant (U.S. Court of Appeals) (imprisonment of alcoholics), 1965
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
House Un-American Activities Committee, 1965
Hurwitz v. Directors Guild of America (N.Y.) (loyalty oath), 1965
Locust Club v. City of Rochester (N.Y.) (police practices), 1965
Massachusetts Committee on Discrimination in Housing, 1965
Massachusetts Council of Churches, correspondence, 196
Massachusetts Council of Churches, minutes, 1965
Massachusetts Legislation, 1965
Massachusetts Legislation, bills, 1965
Massachusetts Legislation, House Documents, 1965
Massachusetts Legislation, Senate Documents, 1965
Massachusetts Special Commission on Low-Income Housing, 1965
Michigan v. Thomas (Mich.) (ex post facto prisoner law), 1965 (ex post facto prisoner law
Minneapolis Teachers v. Minnesota Board of Education (Minn.), 1965
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 1965
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, docket, 1965
National Legislation, correspondence, 1965
Vietnam, 1965
Vietnam, printed, 1965
White et al United States v. Crook (Ala.) Vol. I, 1965
Miscellaneous Printed, 1965
Affiliates, misc. newsletters, 1966
Affiliates, Arizona Civil Liberties Union, legislative bulletin, minutes, 1966
ACLU of Northern California, report, 1963-66, minutes, News, 1966
ACLU of Southern California, minutes, newsletter, 1966. ACLU of Florida, newsletter, 1966
ACLU of Georgia, newsletter, 1966
ACLU of Georgia, "The Death Penalty in Georgia," report, 1965
ACLU of Georgia, "Police Procedures in Atlanta," report, 1966
ACLU Illinois Division, minutes, newsletters, 1966
ACLU of Louisiana, newsletters, 1966
ACLU Minnesota Branch, memoranda; minutes; newsletters, 1966, "The Right to Privacy," bibliography, "Report on Police Review Boards," December 1965
Board of Directors, minutes, 1966
Plenary Board, memoranda, minutes, working papers for January meeting, 1966
Plenary Board, June meeting, 1966
Correspondence, 1966
Roger Baldwin Foundations, 1966-67
Biennial Conference, correspondence/memoranda, 1966
Biennial Conference, papers presented, 1966
Biennial Conference, report, 1966
Feature Press Service, weekly, 1966
1966 Key Year Drive
"General Guide to ACLU Litigation Procedures and Practices," 1966
Lawyer's Constitutional Defense Committee, 1966
Legal Docket, 1966
Membership Receipts, 1966
News Release, 1966
Minutes, meetings 1966
National Capital Area Civil Liberties Union, minutes, newsletters, 1966
ACLU of New Jersey, annual report, 1965; newsletters, 1966
New York Civil Liberties Union, minutes, newsletters, 1966
Policy statements, 1966
ACLU of Greater Philadelphia Branch, freedom of expression draft pamphlet, newsletters, 1966
ACLU of Washington (state), annual report, 1965; memoranda; minutes, 1966
Annual Meeting, 1966
Bulletin, winter 1966
Bulletin, summer 1966
Committees, officers and organization, 1966
Academic Freedom Committee, 1966
Censorship Committee, 1966
Church-State Committee, 1966
Correspondence, 1966
Executive Committee, correspondence, minutes, officers, 1966
Financial, 1965-66
Information Requests, 1966
Lawyer's Panel, member list, 1966
Legal Counsel, requests for assistance, 1966
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1966.
Membership, 1966
Membership Drive, 1966
Membership Occupations, 1966
News releases, 1966
Speaking Engagements, 1966
Academic Freedom, 1966
American Jewish Congress, 1966
Archives Committee 1966
Aronson et al v. Garusso (Louisiana), 1966
Boston School Committee v. Board of Education (Mass.), 1966
Brooke, Edward W., position paper, 1966
Mogan v. Ogilvie (Ill.), 1966
House Un-American Activities Committee, 1966
Housing, 1966
Krebs et al v. Ashbrook et al (D.C.), 1966
Lynde v. Rush (U.S. Appellate Court) (passport revocation), 1966
Massachusetts Association of Intergroup Relations Officials, 1966
Massachusetts Commission against Discrimination, 1966
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, correspondence, 1965
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, correspondence, 1966
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, formation of council, undated
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, handbook, undated
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, minutes 1965-68; officer list, 1967
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, Statements of Dissent, 1966-68
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, other organizational statements of dissent, 1965-68
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, "A Clear and Present Danger," printed, 1966
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, miscellaneous, 1966
Massachusetts Council of Churches, 1966
Massachusetts Council of Churches, minutes, 1966
Massachusetts Council of Churches, policy statements, 1966
Massachusetts Council of Churches, newsletters, printed, 1966
Massachusetts Legislation, correspondence, 1966
Massachusetts Legislation, bills, 1966
Massachusetts Legislation, 1966
Massachusetts Legislative Reporting Service, House Documents, 1966
Massachusetts Legislative Reporting Service, Senate Documents, 1966
In re. Miller, 722 (Pa.), 1966
National Legislation, 1966
Ohio v. Price (U.S. Supreme Court) (search and seizure), 1960
Pedloskv v. M.I.T. (Mass.) (academic freedom) 1966
Police Brutality, Springfield (Mass.), CLUM Hamden County Chapter report, 1966
Police Practices, 1966
Sorbell v. United States (N.Y.) (Rosenberg co-defendant sedition), 1966
South Boston Courthouse Incident, 1966
United States v. Howe (U.S. Army) (military code justice violation), 1966
United States v. Miller (N.Y.) (draft card burning), 1965
Vietnam, 1966
Weiss v. Gardner (N.Y.) (Medicare disclaimer oath), 1966
Woodruff v. State of Mississippi (U.S. Supreme Court) (right to counsel), 1966
Miscellaneous, 1965-1966
Correspondence, 1967
Memoranda, 1967
Plenary Board, agenda, memoranda, working papers, 1967
Membership (Mass.), 1967
Membership pledges (Mass.), 1967
National Development Council, 1967
National Legislation, statements top Congress, 1967
Feature Press Service, weekly, 1967
High School Debate, 1967-68
Lawyer's Constitutional Defense Committee, 1967
News release, 1967
1940 Resolution, 1967
Affiliates (Arizona, Maine, New Jersey, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee), 1967
ACLU of Southern California, minutes, docket, "The Doomsayers" paper, 1967
Colorado Branch, newsletter, 1967
Connecticut Civil Liberties Union, minutes, newsletter, 1967
Civil Liberties Union of Florida, newsletter, 1967
Georgia, legislative handbook, newsletter, 1967
Illinois Division, minutes, 1967
ACLU Illinois Division, bail report, 1967
Iowa Civil Liberties Union, 1967
ACLU of Louisiana, newsletter, 1967
ACLU of Michigan, 1967
ACLU Minnesota Branch, 1967
National Capital Area Civil Liberties Union, 1967
New York Civil Liberties Union, 1967
New York Civil Liberties Union, legislative memoranda, 1967. ACLU of Ohio, 1967
ACLU Greater Philadelphia Branch, 1967
Texas Civil Liberties Union, 1967
ACLU of Washington (state), minutes, 1967
ACLU of Washington (state), news releases, newsletters, 1967
Wisconsin Civil Liberties Union, 1967. CLUM Annual Meeting, 1967
Academic Freedom Committee, 1967
Church-State Committee, 1967
Executive Committee, minutes, officer lists, 1967
Correspondence, 1967
Bulletin, winter 1967
Bulletin, summer 1967
Financial, 1967
Legal Counsel, 1966-67
Legal Counsel, requests for assistance, 1967
Letter to Clergy, 1967
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1967
Luther MacNair, Executive Committee, minutes, drafts, 1967
Membership and Finance Committee, 1967
News releases, 1967
Speakers, 1967
Volunteers and Public Relations, 1967
Action for Boston Community Development, 1967
Americans for Democratic Action (Mass. Chapter), 1967
Bibliographies on Civil Liberties, 1967
Bibliographies on Civil Liberties, pamphlets, 1967
Birth Control, Bill Baird, 1967
Boston University Journalism Internship, 1967
Capital Punishment, 1967
Catholic Interracial Council of Boston, 1967
Censorship, 1967
Church-State, In the matter of the Opinion: "An Act providing for Payment to Parochial and Certain Private Schools of a Proportionate Share of Sweepstakes Moneys," (NH Supreme Court), 1967
Church-State, Fall River (Mass.) land swamp, 1967
Citizens Housing and Planning Association of Metropolitan Boston, 1967
Civil Rights, Massachusetts, 1967
Civil Rights, National, 1967
House Un-American Activities Committee, 1967
Information Requests, 1967
Joint Seminar on Church-State Relations, correspondence, memoranda, 1967-1968
Joint Seminar on Church-State Relations, members, minutes, 1967-1968
Kidd v. Addonizio (New Jersey), 1967 (police practices)
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, 1967
Loyalty Oath, 1965-1967
McGregor v. Townsend, 1967 (long hair)
Massachusetts Association for Mental Health, 1967
Massachusetts Association of Intergroup Relations, 1967
Massachusetts Committee on Discrimination in Housing, 1967
Massachusetts Council of Churches, members, memoranda, minutes, 1967
Massachusetts Council of Churches, newsletters, reports, 1967
Massachusetts Council of Churches, position policies, 1954-1966
Massachusetts Legislation, 1967
Massachusetts Legislation, bills, 1967
National Legislation, correspondence, 1967
Noyd v. McNamara et al (Colorado) (conscientious objector), May 1967
Noyd v. McNamara et al (U.S. Court of Appeals), May 1967
Police Practices, 1967
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., In the matter of the Right of (New York), 1967
Smith v. King (Alabama), 1967 (substitute father regulation)
"A Survey of Racial Attitudes in Six Northern Cities: Preliminary Findings," Brandeis University, Lemburg Center for the Study of Violence, report, June 1967
Miscellaneous, 1967
By-laws, 1968
Roger Baldwin Foundation, 1967-1968
Biennial Conference, correspondence, memoranda, 1968
Biennial Conference, papers presented on the subjects of, "ACLU and the Urban Crises," and "Inside ACLU-The Organizational Structure," 1968
Biennial Conference, papers presented on the subjects of, "Affirmative Obligation of Government on the First Amendment area," "Hippies and Cop-Outs" and "The Mentally Ill (and Mentally Retarded)," 1968
Biennial Conference, papers presented in the subjects of, "Should Certain Groups be Properly Limited in their Exercises of Civil Liberties?" and "Special Ethnic Groups," 1968
Correspondence, 1968
Memoranda, 1968
Feature Press Service, monthly, 1968
Financial, 1968
Legislative Action Bulletin, 1968
National Legislation, statements to Congress, 1968
Inside ACLU, weekly, 1968
Policy statement, civil disobedience, 1968
Retirement plan, 1968
Affiliates, 1968
ACLU of Southern California, minutes, report of counsel, 1968
ACLU Colorado Branch, newsletter, 1968
Connecticut Civil Liberties Union, newsletter, 1968
ACLU of Florida, Newsletter, 1968
ACLU of Georgia, newsletter, news releases, 1968
ACLU Illinois Division, minutes, 1968
ACLU Iowa Civil Liberties Union, 1968
ACLU of Louisiana, newsletter, 1968
ACLU of Michigan, Detroit Branch, policy statements on adoption, child custody, public assistance, public school suspension, 1968
Minnesota Civil Liberties Union, newsletter, news releases, 1968
National Capital Area Civil Liberties Union, minutes, 1968
National Capital Area Civil Liberties Union, legal docket, memoranda, 1968
New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union, minutes, 1968
ACLU of New Jersey, newsletter, 1968
New York Civil Liberties Union, correspondence, 1968
New York Civil Liberties Union, legislative memoranda, 1968
New York Civil Liberties Union, police practices report, 1968
Greater Philadelphia Branch, newsletter, 1968
Texas Civil Liberties Union, newsletter, 1968
ACLU of Washington (state), correspondence, minutes, news releases, 1968
Annual dinner, 1968
Annual report (draft), 1968
Bulletin, winter 1968
Bulletin, summer 1968
Committees, officer lists, 1968
Executive Committee, agenda, minutes, memoranda, 1968
Executive Committee, correspondence, 1968
Executive Committee, news clips, miscellaneous, 1968.
Legal Panel, 1968
General Correspondence, 1968
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1968
Luther MacNair, drafts of minutes, 1968
Luther MacNair, photographs
Emergency Liberation Plan, 1968-1969
Financial, 1968
Legal Counsel, requests for assistance, 1968
News releases, 1968
Volunteers, 1968
Academic Freedom, 1966-67
Action for Boston Community Development, 1968
Americans for Democratic Action, Boston Chapter, 1968
Arlington Street Church Incident, May 22, 1968
Boston University, "Theo 5" and Alexander Jack, 1968
Brandeis University, Lemberg Center for Study of Violence, 1968
Capital Punishment, 1967-69
Censorship, 1968
Church-State, correspondence, 1968
Church-State, 1965-68
Civil Rights, 1968
Dialogues Boston, newsletter, 1968
Draft, 1968
Harvard Law Record, April-December 1968
Hippies, 1968-1969
Housing, 1968
Information Requests, 1968
Joint Seminar on Church-State Relations, 1968-1969
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, 1968
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, newsletter, 1968
Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Fisher (freedom of speech), 1968
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, 1968
Massachusetts Committee on Discrimination in Housing, 1968
Massachusetts Council of Churches, 1968
Massachusetts Council of Churches, report on cooperative movement of religious bodies in Massachusetts, 1968
Massachusetts Legislation, bills, 1968
Massachusetts Legislation, correspondence, 1968
Massachusetts Legislative Reporting Service, House Documents, 1968
Massachusetts Legislative Reporting Service, Judicial Counsel, 1968
Massachusetts Legislative Reporting Service, Senate Documents, 1968
Migrant Education Project, 1967
Migrant Education Project, 1968
National Legislation, 1968
Police Practices, 1968
Police Practices, correspondence, 1968
Springfield Police Department v. Public Employees Union (Mass.) (unionization), 1968
Students for a Democratic Society rally, Boston, Nov. 5, 1968
Titticut Follies, 1968
United States v. Spocket al, 1968
U.S. Department of Labor, News Digest, April 1968
Miscellaneous, 1968
General Correspondence, 1969
Academic Freedom Committee, 1969
Speech/Association Committee, 1969
Civil Liberties, bi-monthly, February 1969
Inside ACLU, weekly, Jan-July 196
National Legislation, 1969
Southern Regional Five Year Report, 1969
Affiliates, 1969
Civil Liberties Union, 1969
ACLU of Southern California, 1969
Colorado Civil Liberties Union, 1969
ACLU of Georgia, 1969
ACLU Illinois Division, 1969
Iowa Civil Liberties Union, 1969
ACLU of Michigan, Detroit Branch, minutes, legal docket, policy statements on public school hair and dress codes, corporal punishment in public schools, 1969
Minnesota Civil Liberties Union, newsletter, position statements, news releases, 1969
National Capital Area Civil Liberties Union, agendas, minutes, legal docket, memoranda, pamphlets, printed, 1969
New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union, by-laws, minutes, newsletter, 1969
New Mexico Civil Liberties Union, newsletter, minutes, 1969
New York Civil Liberties Union, legislative memos, January-March 1969
New York Civil Liberties Union, legislative memos, March-April 1969
Wisconsin Civil Liberties Union, 1969
Annual Meeting, 1969
Bulletin, winter, summer 1969
Bulletin, drafts, summer 1969
Committees, officer lists, 1969
Executive Committee, agenda, minutes, 1969
Counsel, requests for assistance, 1969
Legal Panel, 1969
Correspondence, 1969
Kassler, correspondence, legal cases, 1969
Kassler, legal counsel assistance, 1969
Luther MacNair, correspondence, 1969
Luther MacNair, minutes, drafts, 1969
Financial, 1969
Membership, 1969
News releases, 1969
Nominations and Ballots, 1969
Americans for Democratic Action, 1969
Bibliographies on Civil Liberties, 1969
Boston and Suburban Advisory Council, 1968-69
Boston Bar Association, 1969
Brookline Committee on Urban Responsibilities, 1969
Campus Disorder, 1969
Catholic Interracial Council of Boston, newsletter, 1967-1969
Censorship, 1969
Chelsea Public School, academic freedom, 1969
Church-State, 1969
Citizens for Participating in Politics, 1969
Citizens Housing and Planning Association, newsletter, 1969
Draft, 1969
David Earl v. Brig. Gen. Cushman (U.S. Army) (Mass. ) (conscientious objector), 1969
Framingham High School, academic freedom, 1969
Gold, Stephen; North Reading (Mass.) High School, academic freedom, 1969
Greater Boston Selective Service Lawyer's Panel, 1968-1969
Hair, 1969
Harvard Law Record, February-April 1969
Information Requests, 1969
Law Students Civil Rights Research Council, newsletter, 1967-1969
Law Students Civil Rights Research Council, 1968-1969
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, 1969
Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Costa (fair trial and free press), 1969
Massachusetts Association for Mental Health, 1967-1969
Massachusetts Attorney General, 1968-1969
Massachusetts Committee to Abolish HUAC, 1969
Massachusetts Committee Against Discrimination, 1969
Massachusetts Committee on Children and Youth, 1969
Massachusetts Conference on Human Rights, 1969
Massachusetts Council for Abolition of the Death Penalty, 1969
Massachusetts Council of Churches, "Toward Oneness in Mission," report, 1969
Massachusetts Council of Churches, newsletter, memoranda
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, newsletter, 1969
Massachusetts Legislation, 1969
Massachusetts Welfare Rights Organization, 1969
National Legislation, 1969
Reverend Henry P. Ouellette, 1969
Overview, newsletter, 1968-1969
Police Practices, 1968-1969
Richardson v. Cole and Greenblatt (Mass) (public employee loyalty oath), 1969
Eleanor Sobel v. School Committee of Somerville (Mass.) (academic freedom), 1969
Welfare Law Bulletin, June 1968-June 1969
Miscellaneous, 1969
II. Newsclippings, 1929-1970
Newsclippings were assembled by the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts main Boston office and date from 1929 to 1968. Newsclippings reflect the files in Archival records, 1920-1969.
A. Scrapbooks
Arranged chronologically.
Jan.-Oct., 1940
Jan.-Feb. 1941
Mar. 1941
Apr. 1941
Apr.-Oct. 1941
Nov.-Dec. 1941
Jan.-Apr. 1941
B. Loose
Arranged chronologically by subject.
Clippings, 1940-1964
Newspapers, 1942-1969
Newspapers, 1939-1969
Newspapers, 1966-1970
Newspapers, 1960-1969
The Docket, vols. 1-24, 25, 1971-1995
Civil Liberties in the Bay State, 1958-1970
III. Kirtley F. Mather Papers, 1936-1958
These papers are the personal business files of Kirtley F. Mather, Civil Liberties Union Executive Secretary and academic freedom activist.
See also Archival records, 1920-1969.
Arranged chronologically by subject.
Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, 1936-1958
House Un-American Activities Committee, 1953-1954
Religious Inquisition, 1953
Academic Freedom. Barnes bill (Mass.)
University of Chicago, 1949
Dirk Struik, 1951-195[3]
University of California, 1951
Julius Emapak, 1953
Teachers and the 5th Amendment, 1953
Robert Oppenheimer, 1954
IV. Dunbar Holmes papers, 1947-1970
These are the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts business files of Dunbar Holmes, CLUM counsel and Chairman of the CLUM Church-State Committee. Arranged alphabetically by subject, they include correspondence, notes, meeting minutes, legal records, and printed materials relating to Holmes's work.
See also Archival records, 1920-1969.
Academic Freedom, 1953-1959
ACLU, 1952-1970
Aid to Public Schools, 1962-1970
Anti-Aid Amendment, 1962-1967
Anti-Subversive Law, 1951-1955
Arrest Pamphlet, 1953-1956
Boston Bar - Bill of Rights, 1969
Censorship, 1952-1960
Chapels at State Institutions, 1957-1961
Church and State, 1961-1968
Church and State - Kennedy as President, 1960
Church and State Committees, 1959-1962
Church and State Complaints, 1959-1963
Church and State General Literature, 1959-1962
Civil Liberties - Loyalty/Security Program, 1947-1958
Civil Liberties - Religion and Current, 1964-1966
CLUM, Miscellaneous, 1952-1970
Congressional Investigations, 1949-1967
Conscientious Objectors, 1964-1970
Correspondence, 1952
District Court Records and Correspondence, 1952
Donlan Committee and Other Investigations, 1950-1959
Federal Aid to Education, 1961-1963
Harvard Educational Review, 1963
Holiday Observances, 1961
Holyoke School Case - Article in America, 1960
Law Enforcement - Civil Liberties, 1958-1961
Lawyers' Oath and Other Oath Bills, 1950-1955
Legal Research - Draft, 1968
McCarran Act - Internal Security, 1950-1954
Manuscript - Crime Commission, 1955-1956
Policies, 1961-1966
Prayer and Bible Reading, 1959-1966
Released/Shared Time, 1963-1970
School Buses, 1958-1961
Schools, 1951-1963
Segregation - Civil Rights, n.d.
Self-Incrimination/Academic Freedom/5th Amendment, 1953-1957
Smith Act, 1951
Speeches and Statements, 1953-1963
Sunday Laws, 1960-1961
Tax Exemption, 1964
Use of Public Buildings by Religious Groups, 1959-1968
Unitarian Correspondence, 1963
V. United States v. Leon J. Kamin, 1954-1957
These files document the legal defense of 26-year-old Harvard professor Leon J. Kamin. Kamin pleaded the Fifth Amendment when asked about his past Communist Party membership by Senator Joseph McCarthy and the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Cited for contempt of court, Kamin was eventually acquitted in 1957. The records include legal files from the Boston law offices of Hill, Barlow, Goodale & Wiswall, and from Kamin's defense attorneys Calvin P. Bartlet and John L. Saltonstall, Jr.
See also Archival records, 1920-1969.
Index card
Correspondence, 1954- May 1955
Proceedings before the Massachusetts Commission to Study and Investigate Communism
Pleadings, Motions, Formal Court Document
Miscellaneous Memoranda and Materials
Law Notes and Work Sheets
Briefs etc. in Other Cases
Correspondence, June-September 1955
Congressional Materials
Potential Exhibits
Material re: motion for Judgment of Potential
Material for Use in Impaneling of Jury
Material for Use in Cross-Examination of Senator McCarthy
Memoranda of Law which may be used at Trial
Official Record
Copies of Actual Exhibits
Defendant's Request for Judicial Notice
Outlines and Assignment Sheets
Minutes and Other Materials re: Committee & Subcommittee
Notes and Materials for Cross-Examination of Senators Dirksen, Mundt, and Potter
News files
Audio-tape, Leon J. Kamin testimony, February 27-28, 1957
Audio-tape, Leon J. Kamin testimony, March 1, 1957
VI. Florence Luscomb papers, 1922-1978
The papers of Florence Luscomb, CLUM Vice Chair, are primarily related to state and federal efforts to investigate communist and subversive activities, particularly those of university professors in the 1950s. Although they include a small amount of Luscomb's correspondence and CLUM records, the bulk of her papers consists of printed material.
Arranged chronologically and by record type.
Correspondence and professional papers, 1922-1977
CLUM records, 1936-1960
Papers related to political investigation of universities, 1953
Commonwealth of Masschusetts publications, 1938-1957
U. S. government publications, 1946
ACLU publications, 1927-1959
Other publications, 1924-1977
Miscellaneous pamphlets and printed material, 1939-1978
Newsclippings, 1953-1977
VII. John F. Kennedy letters, 1950-1959
1 folder of photocopies of Kennedy letters to Luther MacNair. Note: The original letters have been removed to Special Collections.
VIII. CLUM County Chapters, ca. 1950-1969
County Chapters records, ca. 1950-1969, contains correspondence, financial records, and other related materials.
See also Record Group II and Record Group III.
Arranged chronologically.
Detailed Description of Record Group II
I. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) records, 1970-1985
These records consists of the second accession of organizational files from the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Boston Office and are a continuation of Archival records, 1920-1969. The records document the union's various administrative, legal, legislative, and educational activities in defense of civil rights issues and constitutional infringements between the years 1970 and 1988. Included in these records are the national Nixon Impeachment Campaign's files and the Federal Bureau of Investigation files requested by the ACLU under the Freedom of Information Act. These FBI files document intelligence surveillance of ACLU and CLUM activities, as reflected in Archival records, 1920-1969, during the years 1920 to 1970.
See also Record Group I and Record Group III.
A. American Civil Liberties Union administrative files, 1975-1984
ACLU Board of Directors
March 1978
January 1980
April 1980
January 1981
January 1982
April 1982
June 1982
October 1982
January 1983
April 1983
June 1983
October 1983
January 1984
April 1984
June 1984
October 1984
Summary of Board Actions, 1975-1983
Executive Committee minutes
1977 (with gaps)
January 1978
April- November 1980
January- June 1981
1982 (with gaps)
1983 (with gaps)
1984 (with gaps)
Foundation Board minutes, 1977, 1982-1984
B. ACLU subject files, 1970-1985
Arranged alphabetically.
ACLU Chapter Structure and Function. undated
ACLU Lawyer. Newsletter.
October 1978
December 1979
July 1980
ACLU News releases, 1980-1985
ACLU Policy Guide, revised, 1970-1971
"The Abuses of the Military Chaplaincy," ACLU Reports, May 1973
Activity Report, December 1971-November 1972
Affiliate mailings, 1976-1982
Affiliate memoranda
Biennial Conference, 1970
Biennial Conference, 1972
Biennial Conference, 1974
Biennial Conference, 1976
Biennial Conference, 1978
Biennial Conference, 1979
"The Carter Administration and Civil Liberties: The First Six Months." ACLU Reports, 1977
Children's Rights Report newsletter, 1977-1979 (with gaps)
"Constitutional Government in a Nuclear Age," 1982
"Corporal Punishment in the Public Schools: The Use of Force in Controlling Student Behavior" ACLU Reports, 1972
"Deadly Weapons in the Hands of Police Officers on Duty and Off Duty" ACLU Study, 1971
Federal Bureau of Investigation. Freedom of Information Request, 1977-1978.
Federal Bureau of Investigation files
Federal Bureau of Investigation Files. "Report of ACLU Special Commission on FBI Files to ACLU Board of Directors," 1979
Federal Criminal Law S.1 and S. 1437, 1977-1978
Federal Criminal Law, ACLU proposed changes to S.1., 1977-1978
Federal Criminal Law, ACLU statement to Congress, 1978
International Civil Liberties (Policy #401), 1984
Loyalty Questions of February Employment Applications, 1976
Charles Morgan resignation, 1976
"The National Guard and the Constitution," ACLU legal study I, 1971
"The National Guard and the Constitution," ACLU legal study II, 1971
Notes from the Women's Rights Project, ACLU newsletter, 1977
Notes from the Women's Rights Project, ACLU newsletter, 1978-1979
The Privacy Reports. ACLU newsletter, 1973-1978 (with gaps)
II. Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts records, 1927-1988 (bulk: 1970-1985)
A. CLUM administrative files, 1971-1984
Bylaws, 1971, 1973, 1975
Board of Directors, Officer and Advisory Committee lists
Board of Directors monthly agenda, minutes, memorandums, financial reports, budgets, and quarterly reports.
June, August-December 1973
January-July, September-December 1974
January-Feb., April-July, September-December 1975
January-April, June-September-December 1976
January-June, September-December 1977. (see February)
January, March-May, June, September-December 1978
January-June, September-December 1979
January-June, September-December 1980
January-June, September-December 1981
January-June, September-December 1982
January-June, September-October (2 emergency), December 1983
CLUM Bulletin, Summer 1970
Executive Committee officer list, 1970
Executive Committee agenda, minutes, and memoranda, 1970-1973 (with gaps)
B. CLUM Committee Files, 1970-1988
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
See also Record Group I and Record Group III.
Ballots, 1972-1976, 1979-1980
Budget and Finance Committee, budgets, minutes, memos, 1976-1979
Committees, officer list, 1977
Committee on Committees and Priorities
Member lists, 1982
Minutes, 1982
Church-State Committee
Correspondence and minutes, 1972, 1975, 1978
Correspondence, Mass. Legislation, 1972-1974
Civil Liberties of Business Committee, 1975-1978
Deficit Committee, correspondence, 1978
Docket Committee, 1980
Election Procedure Committee, 1979
Election Results, 1976-1979
Family and Children's Rights committee. 1975-1980
Family Rights Committee: Wendy Cromwell, 1980
Family Rights Committee, 1981-1982
Financial statements, 1970-1979
Gay Rights Committee, 1977-1978
CLUM Legal Counsel, report, 1970
Legal Panel, 1970-1973
CLUM Legislative Committee, 1970-1984
1970, 1972
Memos, 1972
Testimony, 1974
Correspondence, 1976-1977
Bills, 1979
Massachusetts Legislation, 1970
Medical-Legal Committee, November 1978-February 1981 (with gaps)
Medical-Legal Committee, reading file, 1979
Medical-Legal Committee, Chad Green, 1979
Medical-Legal Committee, Massachusetts Task Force on Privacy, Sexuality and Sex Education for the Developmentally Disabled, 1979
Medical-Legal Committee, The Saikewicz Decision, 1979
Quarterly Reports,
Executive Director, 1977
Legislative Agent, 1977
MCLUF, 1977
Women's Rights Project, 1977
Screening Committee
Minutes, January-June 1983
Report, July-September 1983
October-December 1983
June-September, 1985
MCLUF attorney fees, September 1985
October-November 1985
February-November, 1986 (with gaps)
Sentencing Committee, 1979
Staff Meetings, undated, 1975-1977
Stock Transactions, 1976-1981
Structures Committee. CLUM Bylaws, 1986
C. CLUM Office of Director, Correspondence Files, 1972-1984
See also Record Group III.
Associate Director, Joan Tuttle, 1972-1977
Executive Director, John W. Roberts
July-December 1970, 1977-1982 (with gaps)
Executive Secretary, Luther Knight McNair, Correspondence, January-June 1970
Chairman, Roy A. Hammer, Correspondence, 1970-1979
Ernest (Tony) Winsor, Board of Directors, correspondence, 1975-1977
D. Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, Legislative Agent, Correspondence Files, 1972-1984
Legislative Agent, Correspondence Files, Diane Kessler, 1972
Legislative Agent, Correspondence Files, Karen Hudner, 1978-1984
See also Record Group III.
E. Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, Legislative Agent, Subject Files, 1972-1985
See CLUM III for more legal subject files.
Legislative Agent, Subject Files, Debbie Shanley: Master legislator files, 1974-1975
Legislative Agent, Subject Files, Karen Hudner:
Affirmative Action, H. 5303, 1980
Affirmative Action, H. 5303, 1980
Anti-Busing, H. 5316, 1978
Bill of Rights Conference, 1981
Bill of Rights conference, Julian Bond, 1981
Bill of Rights Conference, handouts, 1981
Boston Housing Authority, 1984
CLUM Medical-Legal Committee, 1979-1980
Civil Service, 1980-1981
Equal Access, Bonker bill, H. 5343, 1984
First Amendment, 1978-1980
First Amendment, H. 3151, 1979
Greater Boston Civil Rights Coalition, 1984-1985
Handicapped, 1983-1984
Institutional Violence, 1978
Journalists Sources, 1972-1973
L-Whamo, 1974-1979
Legislative Committee, 1973-1980
Legislative Network, 1972-1973
Legislative Rules and Procedures, 1971-1974
Lobbyists Law, 1973-1975
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, 1973-1975
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination
Wilkie v. Town of Norwell
Verderico v. Firestone
Kennedy v. Recreama
Yearwood v. Gifford
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, 1979, 1980-1982.
Massachusetts Constitutional Amendment, S 1910, 1980
Massachusetts Council for Public Justice, 1980-1983
Massachusetts Council for Public Justice, 1984
Massachusetts State Budget, 1975
Mental Health, 1980
Patient's Rights, 1974-1978
Prison Reform, Transfer bill, 1975
Prisons, 1975
Prostitutes Union of Massachusetts, 1975
Rape Staircasing, 1980
Redistricting, 1973, 1981
Social Services, 1979-1980
Sovereign Immunity, 1976
Sovereign Immunity, Feldman v. City of Worcester (Mass.)
Sovereign Immunity, Whitney v. City of Worcester (Mass.), 1975
Students' Rights, 1972-1974
Voting Rights Act, 1981-1982
White House Conference on Families, 1980
Women in Politics, 1982
F. CLUM Reading Files, 1975-1984
Reading file, miscellaneous, 1975-1976
Reading file, John Reinstein, miscellaneous, 1975-1976
Reading file, miscellaneous, 1976-1980
Monthly, March 1975-1977
Monthly, 1978-1980
Monthly, 1981-April 1983
Monthly, May 1983-November 1984
G. CLUM Subject Files, 1927-1987
Abortion, 1979
Abortion: A Campaign for Choices. S. 1711, 1983
Anti-Blockbusting: S1334, 1975-1977
Anti-Blockbusting: E.T.C. Development Corp. v. Parker (Mass.), 1977
Arrest without Conviction, 1972
Banking: Anti-Redlining, 1976
Banking: Fair Employment Practices, 1976
Behavior Research Institute (BRI):
Correspondence, 1986-1987
Behavior Research Institute v. Leonard (Mass.), 1987
CLUM Medical Legal Committee, 1986
CLUM Medical/Legal Committee, 9 September 1986
CLUM Medical/Legal Committee, 25 September 1986
Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council, report, 1986
Massachusetts Office for Children, report, 1986
California, 1980
Massachusetts, 1986
New York, 1981, 1986
Newsclippings, 1985-1987
Bill of Rights Campaign: Regional Conference, 1981
Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater Free Press, 1970
Bullet Study
H. 4063, 1976
Gary Evans, case, 1976
"Constitutional Prohibitions of Cruel, Inhumane or Unnecessary Death, Injury or Suffering During Law Enforcement Process," Jordan J. Paust, 1976
"Human Rights and the Ninth Amendment: A New Form of Guarantee," Jordan J. Paust, undated
"An Act to Regulate the Use of Certain Firearms and Ammunition by Those Exercising Police Powers within the Commonwealth," William Robinson, 1974
Police Use of High Powered Ammunition." Neil B. Staten, 1974
Massachusetts Research Center, 1974
Massachusetts Research Center, "Police Use of Ammunition," report, 1974
Massachusetts Research Center, 1975
Massachusetts Research Center, reference, 1970-1974
Chaplain of the House of Representatives, 1970-1974
Children's Rights, 1972
Children's Rights: Juvenile Law Reform Project, newsletter, 1978
Children's Rights Project
ACLU Legal Docket, Sept. 1978
Blackstone Valley Council for Children v. Strom (Mass.), 1978
Lehman v. Lycoming County Children's Services (U.S. Sup. Ct.), 1977
Proposal to establish the Massachusetts Children's Rights Project, 1978
WCVB-TV Editorials, 1978
Lynch v. Dukakis (Mass.), 1978
Varney v. Commissioner of Children's Services, 1977
Clamshell, N.H.: Wolf v. Thomson, Jr. (N.H.), 1977 (nuclear power plant
Class Action: Brandywine Village Co. v. Tenants First Coalition, 1977, I. (unincorporated associations)
Class Action: Brandywine Village Co. v. Tenants First Coalition, 1977, II. (unincorporated associations)
Committee for Sane Drug Policy, 1972-1976
Contact Sports: Massachusetts Board of Education, Chapter 622, printed, 1971
Contact Sports: S. 211, 1976
Corrections School District: H. 1301, 1973-1975
Denman v. Denman (Mass.), 1970
Economic Justice and Civil Liberties Conference, 1985
Economic Justice and Civil Liberties Conference, workshops, 1985
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, 1954
Massachusetts Council for Constitutional Rights, request for files, 1979
Miscellaneous, undated, 1927-1966
Newsclippings, 1941-1973
Fort Devens, Homosexuals, 1975
Grand Jury National Coalition, 1973
Grand Jury Reform
Right to Counsel, 1975-1977
Rules of Criminal Procedure, 1976
Rules of Criminal Procedures, brief, 1977
Handicapped Discrimination
H. 244, 1976
H. 3080, 1977
H. 536, 1978
S. 66, 1979
H, 650, 1980
S. 67 and S. 208. 1981
ACLU, undated, 1973-1974
ACLU Affiliates, 1973-1974
ACLU Committees of Correspondence Pamphlet, 1973
ACLU Speakers Kit, 1973
CLUM, 1973-1974
CLUM Bulletin Board ephemera
Congressional Delegations. 1973
Docket, 1973 [o.s.]
"Impeach Nixon" Buttons, 1973-1974
CLUM Media Committee, 1973-1974
CLUM Speakers Bureau, 1973-1974
CLUM Speakers Kit, 1973
CLUM Volunteers, 1973-1974
Citizens for Participation in Political Actions, 1973
Independent Groups, 1973-1974
League of Women Voters in Massachusetts, 1971
National Campaign to Impeach Nixon, 1973-1974
Roper Reports, 1973
Bumper Stickers, n.d
Time, "Nixon's July: The People," 12 November 1973
U.S. News & World Report, "Answers to Questions on Impeachment," 8 April 1974
Iranian Ten, 1976
Job Discrimination
Beazer v. N.Y. Transit Authority (N.Y.), 1975
Rehabilitated Addicts, 1973
U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Drug Treatment, H. 1863, 1975-1976
Printed, 1973
Law Enforcement, 1978
Lexington (Mass.) Bank Shootout, 1984
Loyalty Oath, H. 3343, 1972
Loyalty Oath , Smith v. Dwyer, 1972
Marijuana Civil Fine, H. 2304, 1975-1976
Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless
Massachusetts Coalition for Human Rights
Conference, 1975
Minutes, 1975
Minutes, 1976
Guide, 1977
Minutes, 1977
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, 1984
Massachusetts Research Center
1974-April 1975
Education Coalition, 1973
Issues Research Project, 1973
Racial Imbalance Research, 1974-1975
Minor's Consent to Medical Treatment, D. 877, 1976
Motor Vehicle Law, H. 110, 1974
New England Regional Prison, 1973-1974
CLUM News releases, 1972-1984
News releases: ACLU Public Service Announcements, 1977
News releases: Public Service Announcements, printed, 1977
News releases: Other Groups, 1972-1075. 1982. 1983
Non-Support, 1983
Nuclear-Free Cambridge, 1983
Parent/Media Dialogue on Desegregation, 1975
Parent/Media Dialogue on Desegregation, 1975
Parents Rights Manual, 1973, [Mass. Law Reform Institute]
Parole Revocation, S. 834. H. 3246, H. 1024, 1972
Political I.D. Cards, H. 1754, 1972
Political Ad Rate Bill, H. 3460, 1972-1973
Position on Ballot, Report H. 6072, 1973, 1974
Position on Ballot, Tsongas v. Davoren (Mass.) 1972
Presence of Heroin, H. 299, 1976
Freedom of Press: Reporters Committee v. AT&T, 1974
Prisoners Rights, 1977-1980
Privacy, 1972-1974
Privacy Project Proposal, 1974, 1977
Racial Imbalance
undated, 1972-1976 (with gaps)
H. 6657, 1973
H 5495, Amici Curiae, undated
H. 6657, Amici Curiae, 1973
(Massachusetts) Legislation, 1973
Morgan v. Hennigan (Mass.) 1972
Reading file, 1974
School Committee of Springfield v. Board of Education (Mass.), 1974.
Rape, 1974
Regional Adolescent Program, 1979
Regional Adolescent Program, I, 1979
Regional Adolescent Program, II, 1979
Regional Adolescent Program, Application for Nee, 1978
Religion and Schools, 1972
Reproductive Freedom Project, 1979
Student Rights
Handbook, draft, undated
Printed, 1972
Hull (Mass.) Public Schools, 1973-1974
Violent Crimes, 1976
Violent Crimes, (Mass.) Legislation, 1976
Voting Rights
1972, 1975
Election laws, 1972-1975, 1979
Dane v. Board of Registrars of Voters of Concord (Mass.), 1978
Harris v. Samuels (U.S. Ct. App.), 1968
Lefkowitz v. Cunningham (U.S. Supr. Ct.), 1972
Massachusetts Public Interest Group v. Guzzi (Mass.), 1978
Oliver v. Board of Election Commissioners (U.S. App. Ct.), 1971
Poulos v. Spillane (Mass.), 1971
Prisoners, 1978
Prisoners and Mentally Ill, 1974
Students, 1972, 1979
United States v. State of Arizona (U.S. Supr. Ct.), 1970
Whitcomb v. Chavis (U.S. Supr. Ct.), 1969
Worcester Violent Women
Testimony, 1978
H. CLUM County Chapters, 1974-1986
See also Record Group I and Record Group III.
Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, Berkshire County Chapter Meeting, December 1976
Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, Hampden County Chapter
Board of Directors, December 1974-1984 (with gaps)
Burke v. Benepe (Mass.), 1975
Bylaws, 1982
Correspondence, 1975-1982
Legal Panel, 1975-1979, November 1980
Newsclippings, 1975
Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, Worcester County Chapter
Annual Report, 1984
Board of Directors, Minutes, 1981-1986
Correspondence, 1974-1986
District Court Monitoring Project, report, 1979
District Court Monitoring Project, 1984-1985
District Court Monitoring Project, report, 1984
Executive Board
Minutes, December 1975-1977
Executive Committee Meeting, May 1984
Legal Docket, 1971-1972
Legal Panel, 1974-1986
Newsclippings, 1974-1986
III. Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation records, 1971-1984
A. Administrative Files, 1973-1984
Quarterly report, 1979
Annual report, 1984
Board of Trustees records, 1973-1983
Financial records, 1975-1978
B. Correspondence Files, 1974-1982
C. Fundraising records, 1973-1979
Fundraising events, 1973-1979
Springfield Theatre Benefit, 1975
"Legal Briefs," 1978
Miscellaneous fundraising records, 1975-1977
D. MCLUF Subject Files, 1971-1982
Legal Program, 1971-1979
Legal Docket, 1975-1976, 1982
Massachusetts County Correction Facilities Project, 1979
Privacy Project, 1974-1975
Reproductive Freedom Litigation Project, 1979
Women's Rights Project, 1974-1978
IV. Boston University, 1967-1986
Records in this series relate to the interactions of CLUM and Boston University students, faculty, and administration, concerning accusations of the BU administration's abuse of First Amendment rights. Records largely pertain to the investigation of BU's alleged censorship of the student newspaper bu exposure, including correspondence, legal documents, committee records, working files, reports, and published newspaper and magazine articles.
A. CLUM Records Relating to Boston University, 1972-1983
Included in this sub-series is correspondence between CLUM and Boston University students, faculty, and administration, including letters from BU President John Silber and Professor Howard Zinn. In January 1979, CLUM formed a Boston University Academic Freedom Committee of Inquiry to explore charges of First Amendment violations by the BU administration. Records include committee minutes, working files and draft reports, as well as the written dissent of committee member Alan Dershowitz.
Arranged chronologically within record type.
Correspondence, 1977-1979
Press releases, 1979-1983
Pertinent ACLU policies, 1978-1979
Pertinent legal cases, 1980-1981
Committee of Inquiry records, 1972-1983
Working drafts of BU report, 1979
Final report, 1979
CLUM votes on BU report, 1979
Dershowitz dissent, 1979
B. bu exposure Records, 1967-1983
Records of the student newspaper bu exposure mainly consist of papers gathered during the discovery phase of the lawsuit filed by CLUM against BU on the exposure's behalf. They include editorial and third party correspondence relating to the paper's long struggle with the BU administration, operational files, and working files of the newspaper's editorial offices and of student editor Terri Taylor. These files have largely been left in original order.
Arranged chronologically within record type.
Correspondence, 1975-1979
Press releases, 1978-1979
Registrations, 1976-1978
Requests for BU funding, 1976-1979
Grant research and applications, 1977-1981
Terri Taylor's working files, 1977-1979
"Selling Indulgences," 1978
bu exposure working files, 1967-1983
Printed materials, 1976-1979
BU Publications, 1975-1978
C. Legal Documents, 1972-1986
Contained in this sub-series are legal documents from several trials involving Boston University, including various complaints, depositions, affidavits, and exhibits.
Arranged chronologically.
O'Brien v. Boston University, 1972
Tobin v. Boston University, 1976
bu exposure v. Silber, 1978
Richardson v. Boston University, 1982
Kohn v. Silber, 1983-1984
Abramowitz v. Boston University, 1986
D. Printed Material, 1976-1986
This sub-series includes copies of the bu exposure (with gaps) from 1976 to 1980, issues of the BU student newspaper Daily Free Press, and other magazine and newspaper articles that cover the struggles between BU students and administration from both local and national perspectives.
Arranged chronologically.
bu exposure, 1976-1982
Daily Free Press, 1977-1983
BU Spectrum, 1977-1979
Boston Magazine, May 1977
Nora Ephraim, "Academic Gore," Esquire, September 1977
Student Press Law Center Report, 1978-1979
Miscellaneous university newspapers, 1975-1979
Miscellaneous newsletters and pamphlets, 1977-1979
Miscellaneous articles, 1977-1986
V. Haskel A. Kassler correspondence, 1970
Correspondence of CLUM Staff Council Haskel A. Kassler from 1970.
Arranged alphabetically.
VI. Miscellaneous clipping files, 1970-1981
Miscellaneous subject files from ca. 1970s mostly contains clippings.
Detailed Description of Record Group III
I. Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (CLUM)/American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM) administrative records, 1951-2001 (bulk: 1980-1999)
This series includes the records of CLUM's Board of Directors, legal correspondence and subject files, committee records, records of student and regional CLUM chapters, membership records and financial records. In 1995, CLUM changed its name to the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM) to reflect its relationship with its parent organization, the ACLU. Record series that span the time of the name change are referred to as CLUM/ACLUM records .
A. Board of Directors records, 1985-1999
This subseries primarily contains the monthly mailings and meeting minutes of the CLUM/ACLUM Board of Directors from 1985-1999. The mailings, usually sent out to the members of the board a few weeks prior to their monthly meeting, consist of documents and supporting materials on issues to be discussed at meetings and of interest to board members. This subseries also includes lists of board attendance from 1990-1997, and letters written and received by lawyer and President of the Board Harvey Silverglate from 1986-1994. Silverglate's letters pertain to CLUM issues and include letters written to newspapers and political figures.
Arranged chronologically by record type.
i. Board mailings and meeting minutes, 1985-1999
ii. Board attendance, 1990-1997
iii. Harvey Silverglate correspondence, 1986-1994
B. Legal records, 1951-1994
i. Karen Hudner correspondence, 1985-1994
This subseries contains letters written and received by CLUM Legislative Agent Karen Hudner mostly from 1985-1994. The correspondence pertains to Hudner's various speaking engagements (mostly to children and teenagers) about civil liberties, current legislation pertaining to civil liberties and CLUM, and other legal matters.
See also Record Group II.
Arranged chronologically.
ii. Legal subject files, 1951-1994 [bulk: 1970-1989]
This subseries contains subject files kept primarily by Legislative Agent Karen Hudner and her staff. Subject files include notes, newspaper clippings, correspondence, reports, and other legal documents of interest to CLUM. Some files are more complete than others.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Abortion, 1970-1984
Background, 1973
Blue Cross Blue Shield, 1973-4
Clippings, 1970-1983
Bail bill, 1975-1977
Boston Human Rights Commission, ca. 1985
Biennial conference 1983- congressional visits
Bilingual education, 1986
Boston police, 1973-1977
Child abuse, 1982-1983
Child pornography, 1977
Children's rights misc., 1976-1985
Children's Rights Project, 1978
CLUM drug policy, 1991
Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI), 1987
Correctional legal services, 1979
Court reform, 1979-1980
Desegregation, 1976
Draft registration, 1983-1984
Drugs, 1986-1991
Drug testing, 1990
Drunk driving, ca. 1982
Due process, 1975-1976
"English Only" movement, 1986-1992
Espionage/ Rosenberg, 1951-1976
Equal access, 1976
ERA Ratification, 1982
Gay rights, 1974-1987
Gender issues, 1982-1986
Handicapped anti-discrimination, 1988-1990
House rules reform, 1977-1983
Housing Discrimination, 1983
Human rights ordinance, 1984
Individual rights vs. governmental rights, 1980
Equality in insurance, 1985-1986
Judicial Conduct Commission, 1986
Jury bill (Middlesex), 1980-1982
Juvenile crime, ca. 1980
Living will testimony, 1977-1990
Legislation, 1980
Legislation (federal), 1982-1988
Mental patient advisory project, 1978
Mental Patients Treatment Unit at Worcester State Hospital for Women, 1977-1979
Midwifery, 1986-1987
Minors' right to contraception, 1978-1979
Nudity in public, ca. 1970s
Obscenity bill, 1980-1985
Old Cambridge Baptist Church, 1984-1986
Break-ins, 1984-1985
FOIA Request, 1985-1986
PANIC (I.D. Cards), 1971-1975
Access to prisons, 1970-1981
Capping Massachusetts prisons, 1981
Prison construction (H-7343)
Prison issues, 1974-1994
Prison transfers, through 1981
Prison transfers, 1983-1984
Gift of privacy, 1975
Privacy project, 1975
Surveillance, 1971-1977
Racial problems, 1974-1976
Racial violence, 1970s
Bobbie Rennix, 1983-1986
Search and seizure
Search on sight, 1989-1990
Strip search, 1982
Senate candidate questions, 1984
Arranged chronologically.
Sentencing, 1972-1975
Mandatory sentencing, 1976
Sentencing, 1976-1979
Drug sentencing, 1980
Sentencing/ legislation 1980-1981
Presumptive sentencing background, ca. 1984
Governors' sentencing bill, 1984
Sentencing conference (MCPJ), 1984
Prison impact, 1984
Women, 1984-1985
Testimony, 1984
Governors' sentencing, 1985
Sentencing, 1985
H5009 hearing- group testimony, 1985
Governors' sentencing, 1986
H900 hearing/ S-1631 study commission, 1986-1987
Presumptive sentencing, 1988-1989
Misc. sentencing, undated
Shoplifting, 1985-1986
Academic freedom (Brandeis v. Cloward), 1980
ACLU- Heins on "Words that Wound" comment, 1983
Censorship- entertainment/ games, 1985
Censorship- MBTA Ads, 1994
Censorship- Banned in Boston, ca. 1986
Censorship- Titticut Follies/ Wiseman, ca. 1986-1987
Censorship- CIA recruitment at UMASS, 1987
Stop and Frisk, 1984
Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP), 1993-1994
Sullivan, 1977
Use without authority, 1976
Voter information, 1982
Voter registration, 1984-1986
Guy Washington, 1973
White power, 1974-1990
Women's Rights Project, ca. 1976
iii. Miscellaneous legal documents, 1973-1989
Arranged chronologically.
Request by Senate for Opinion of the Justice Concerning Senate No. 1278, n.d
In. Re: S. 1482-- Grand Jury,, n.d
RE: Request of the Senate for Advisory Opinion Concerning H. 6657, 1973
RE: Request of the Governor for Advisory Opinion Concerning H. 5495, [1974]
Request by the House for an Opinion of the Justices on House Bill No. 6723, 1977
In the Matter of Applications for Issuance of Criminal Complaints Against The National Lampoon, Inc., Leonard Mogel, Matty Simon, 1977
In RE: A Juvenile, 1989
C. Communications records, 1985-1999
This subseries contains CLUM/ACLUM press releases from 1985-1999, and a small collection of letters written and received by CLUM Director of Communications Mackie McLeod from 1986-1987 pertaining to representation of civil liberty and CLUM in print and television, among other media.
Arranged chronologically by record type.
Press releases, 1985-1999 (with gaps)
Mackie McLeod correspondence, 1986-1987
D. Committee records, 1977-2001
This subseries consists of CLUM/ACLUM committee records from 1977-2001, including meeting minutes, notes, correspondence, member lists, and other related materials. Committees are created by the board of directors or the president, who also appoints the committee chairs. Some committees are permanent, some are created on an ad hoc basis to deal with specific issues, and all are open to CLUM/ACLUM members. Some committee records are more complete than others.
For other committee records dated 1970-1986 see Record Group I and Record Group II
Arranged alphabetically by committee.
Academic freedom committee, 1988-1990
Affirmative action committee, 1992-1994
Alper award committee, 1985-1987
Annual dinner planning committee, 1988-1990
Awards committee, 1989-1991
Bill of Rights campaign committee, 1985-1986
Blocking software committee, 1997-1999
By-Laws committee, 1992-1994
Campus speech committee, 1990
Censorship committee, 1996-1998
Children's rights and family privacy committee, 1985
Children's rights committee, 1986-1993
Church/State committee, 1998
Conflict of interest committee, 1998
Crime and justice committee, 1990-1993
Note: The Legislative committee and the Crime and Justice committee were joined from April 1990-1991. All joint committee records are located here under Crime and Justice.
Democratic platform drafting committee, 1987
Development committee, 1995-1999
Diversity committee, 1991
Drug decriminalization committee, 1989-1991
Economic justice committee (also known as the poverty committee), 1982-1989
Education committee, 1985
Financial structures committee, 1981-1982
Foster placement committee, 1985
Joint committee on healthcare, 1984
Joint committee on human services, 1991-1992
Investment committee, 2001
Legislative committee, 1980- March 1990
Note: The Legislative committee and the Crime and Justice committee were joined from April 1990-1991. See Crime and Justice for all joint committee records.
Long range planning committee, 1987-1993
Management committee, 1983-1999
Management committee, 1983-1995
Management committee, 1996-1999
Medical-legal committee, 1986-1994
Nominating committee, 1982-1999
Personnel committee, 1996-1997
Police practices committee, 1985-1986
Privacy committee (medical), 1994-1999
Privacy/ FOIA committee (ad hoc), 1994-1995
Program and planning committee, 1991-1992
Public education committee, 1977-1989
General, 1981-1989
BC bicentennial project, 1985-1987
Campus chapters, 1986
Forum, 1986
Journalism, 1986-1987
Secondary schools, 1985-1986
Speakers bureau, 1977-1989
Retreat planning committee, 1989-1990
Screening committee, 1987
Sentencing committee, 1997
Structures committee, 1980-1996
Women's rights committee, 1992-1997
E. Chapter records, 1986-2000
This subseries contains the records of the various CLUM/ACLUM Chapters from 1986-2000, including regional and student chapters at colleges and universities in the Boston area. Records include correspondence, organizational and development records, event announcements, and newsclippings. Some of the chapter records are more complete than others.
See also Record Group I and Record Group II.
Campus chapters, 1987-2000
ACLU Campus Organizing Manual, 1988-1998
Boston University School of Law Civil Liberties Association, 1996
The Civil Liberties Union of Harvard, 1987-1997
Suffolk University Law School ACLU Student Group, 1999-2000
Cape Cod chapter, 1993-1996
Southeastern Massachusetts (New Bedford) chapter, 1992-1997
Western Massachusetts chapter, 1987-1999
Clippings, 1987-1990
Dead files, 1990-1991
Development, 1990-1991
Events, 1990
Legal panel, 1987-1992
Worcester chapter, 1986-2000
F. Membership records, 1973-1993
This subseries contains records pertaining to CLUM membership from 1973-1993, including membership mailings, annotated drafts and form letters sent to prospective and current members, and membership information from other organizations.
Arranged chronologically by subject.
Board, trustee, and committee lists, 1990-1993
Mailings to prospective members, 1984-1989
Mailings to members (appeals), 1988-1992
"Membership Promotion" binder, 1973
New members welcome package, ca. 1985
Affiliates' mailings, 1984-1988
G. Financial records, 1984-2000
This subseries contains financial records created and maintained by CLUM/ACLUM from 1984-2000. The subseries includes loose financial records from 1984-1990, annual reports on audits from 1989-2000, and the operating expenses for CLUM's office space on Temple Place in Boston. Combined financial statements with the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation are also located here.
Arranged chronologically by record type.
Loose financial records, 1984-1990, 1996
Annual reports on audits, 1989-2000
Operating expenses for Temple Place, Boston 1987-1991
H. Miscellaneous administrative records, 1983-1999
This subseries contains Miscellaneous administrative records from 1983-1999. Records include correspondence, a copy of the "The Civil Liberties Songbook" from 1991, and other miscellaneous records.
Arranged chronologically by record type.
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1983-1999
"The Civil Liberties Song Book," 1991
Miscellaneous records, 1984-1996
II. Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation (MCLUF) records, 1974-1999 (bulk: 1980-1999)
This series contains the records of the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union Foundation (MCLUF), an organization founded to raise tax-exempt founds to support the work of the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts and the American Civil Liberties Union. It includes records of the trustees, correspondence, development and fundraising records, and financial records. In 1995, the foundation changed its name to the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Massachusetts to reflect its association with its national counterpart, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation. Record series that span the time of the name change are referred to as MCLUF/ACLUFM records.
A. Trustees' records, 1980-1999
This subseries contains the records of the MCLUF/ACLUFM trustees from 1980-1999. The trustee records primarily consist of meeting minutes and related materials, and include discussion of budgets, fundraising activities, and annual plans.
Arranged chronologically by subject.
Annual reports, 1981-1987
Meeting minutes, 1980-1999 (with gaps)
B. Correspondence, 1980-1996
This subseries contains correspondence written and received by MCLUF/ACLUFM staff, trustees, and Director John Roberts from 1980-1996. The administrative correspondence includes internal and external letters and memos pertaining to ongoing projects, fund-raising efforts, and the daily Activities of MCLUF/ACLUFM. The direct mailings include drafts and copies of form letters written to CLUM members and prospective members requesting financial support and membership renewal.
Arranged chronologically.
Administrative correspondence, 1980-1996
Direct mailings, 1980-1991
C. Development and fundraising records, 1974-1997
This subseries contains records pertaining to MCLUF/ACLUFM development and fundraising from 1981-1997, including development plans, fundraising events such as the annual Bill of Rights Dinner, publications, new member recruitment, and other activities. This subseries also contains some records pertaining to grant proposal research, preparation, and grants/funds maintenance.
Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Development plans, 1983-1994 (with gaps)
Fund-raising events, programs, and plans, 1974-1997
60th Anniversary Auction, 1980
Auction Adventure, 1974
A Tribute to Roger Baldwin, 1982
Baldwin Award, 1993-1997
Berkshire Fund-raise, 1982
Best Friends Project, 1982-1985
Bill of Rights Dinner, 1982-1985
Bill of Rights Dinner, 1986-1997
Calaway Reception, 1990
Donor Analysis Graph, 1990
Field Gallery party, 1980-ca. 1983
Film Series, 1991
"Legal Briefs: An Original Live Comedy Review," 1978
Major Gifts Campaign, 1984, 1988
May Breakfast, 1981-1983
M.O.R.E. Campaign, 1987
Retreat, 1989-1990
Mark Russell Event, 1979
Spring Thing, 1991
Speakers (potential), 1984-1987
Telemarketing, 1975-1992
TRIPPEL Memorial Fund, 1989-1996
Women's Rights Project Benefit, n.d.
D. Financial records, 1982-1996
This subseries contains financial records created and maintained by MCLUF/ACLUFM from 1982-1996. The subseries includes annual audits from 1983-1989 (with gaps) with support documents, records pertaining to financial reconciliation between MCLUF and ACLUF from 1982-1989, donor analysis graphs from 1987-1989, and other miscellaneous financial records.
Arranged chronologically by subject.
E. MCLUF miscellaneous records, 1978-1995
This subseries contains miscellaneous administrative records from 1984-1992 including records pertaining to the management of the MCLUF database from 1984 and 1987-1992, among other administrative records.
Arranged chronologically by subject.
Database management, 1983-1992
Miscellaneous records, 1978-1995
III. John Roberts's Records, 1975-2001
See also Record Group II.
A. Reading files, 1975-1999
Arranged chronologically.
This subseries contains the reading files of CLUM/ACLUM's Executive Director John Roberts from 1986-1999 (bulk: 1986-1989 and 1998-1999), including copies of outgoing letters and memos written by Roberts, meeting minutes, and other related materials. The letters and memos pertain to all facets of CLUM/ACLUM and MCLUF/ACLUFM activities and include individual letters written to members of the general public and internal memos to staff. Outgoing letters were usually written in response to requests for help with potential civil liberty issues and are often accompanied by copies of the requester's letter or the intake and referral forms (filled out by CLUM staff when a request for help is made over the phone).
1975-May 1989
June 1989-December 1999
B. Subject files, 1976-2001
Arranged alphabetically.
This subseries contains subject files kept by CLUM/ACLUM director John Roberts from 1976 to 2001. Subject files include notes, newspaper clippings, correspondence, reports, and other documents pertaining to various topics of interest. Some files are more thorough than others.
See also Legal Subject Files and Subject Files (Flaps).
Affirmative Action
Angelli (nude photo flap)
Alcohol sniffer
Amirault/ Fells Acres
Asset forfeiture
Attorney fees
Banned books program
Beyond Boston: Lease for 19 Temple Place
Birth defects research
Blocking software
Board orientation manual
Bolt power trip
Boston Globe- Roberts's puff piece
Boston Library
Boston University
Breathalyzer at school
Buffer bubble zone
Campaign Finance
Cape Cod Issues
Chain Gang
Chelsea church service City Hall
Cuban Censorship
Drugs- Use of State employees. to censor music
Haines Memo
Anti-aid amendment
Religious use of public property
Religious holidays- employees '96
Religious Restoration Act
Northbridge Parochial School transportation
Parent Choice Initiative Petition
Witches League for Public Awareness
Somerset Manger
UMass "porno" website
Civil Liberties Task Force
Clean election law
Columbine fallout
Cornean (pregnant Attleboro)
Counter Terrorism
Craig Benefit
Drug conference, 1992
First Amendment pamphlet
Front desk manual
Alan Dershowitz
Ira Glasser
Lloyd Hart
Hentoff/ Village Voice, 1990
Karen Hudner
Molly Ivins
Luther MacNair
Mazell-Don't Call Racist
Nancy Murray/Holliston High flap
John W. Roberts (biography and speeches)
Anthony Romero
Carol Rose
Academic freedom-Fenton v. Boston schools
CIA, 1987
Drug decriminalization
Employment ads, 1984-1985
Face recognition technology
Free speech-Mary Frug article
Genetics primer
Hate speech resources
HIV reporting
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA)
Lester case, 1988
MBTA-juvenile arrests
MCAS tests
Medical/Legal, 1993
Planned Parenthood
Racial profiling
JEN (associates)/ Medicaid
Kape Kod Klan
Klatt estate
Physician assisted suicide, 1996
Plymouth arrests, 1997
Prisoners voting
Private groups and public buildings
Baldwin Award
Bill of Rights Education Project
Drug Policy Task Force
Police Practices Coalition
Prosecutorial Abuse
Recovered memory
RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations)
Right to bear arms
Right wing on sex
Aid to private schools
Cambridge right wing in schools
Charter schools
Expulsion/ gun felony, 1994
Health curriculum-Mass. Department of Education
Locker search case
Use of schools by religious groups
Youth/student round tables
Standardized tests
Sex offenders
South Boston suicide
Surrogate parenting
Trooper Monahan
Violence/ TV/speeches Heins Paper
IV. Eva Moseley Papers, 1970-2003
This series contains the papers of Eva Moseley, who from 1978 to 2003 served in various capacities in both CLUM/ACLUM and the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Massachusetts. These papers include correspondence, CLUM/ACLUM board records from her tenure as Board Secretary, records from CLUM's Nominating and Public Education and Colloquium Committees, ACLUFM trustees' records, fundraising records, various ACLU and ACLUM printed material, and clippings related to ACLUM issues and events. Many records contain Moseley's handwritten notations.
A. Correspondence, 1978-2002
Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence, 1978-2002
B.CLUM/ ACLUM Records, 1980-1996
Arranged chronologically within each record type.
Constitution and organizational records, 1980-1996
Board Records, 1980-1996 [bulk: 1980-1982]
Nomination Committee records, 1981
Public Education and Colloquium Committee records, 1983-1986
C. American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Massachusetts Records, 1980-2003
Arranged chronologically within each record type.
Trust agreement and organizational records, 1995-1997
Trustees' records, 1980-1993
Trustees' records, 1994-2003
D. Printed Material, 1970-2002
Arranged chronologically within each record type.
CLUM/ACLUM printed material, 1970-2001
ACLU printed material, 1991-2002
Newsclippings, 1983-2002
V. Coalition records, 1980-2002
This series contains records pertaining to various coalitions, and other similar organizations, in which CLUM/ACLUM created, lead, or participated from 1980-2002. The coalition records relate to a wide variety of civil liberty issues, including abortion, affirmative action, immigrants and refugees, police practice, and sex offenders, among other topics. The bulk of the subseries consists of records pertaining to CLUM/ACLUM's Bill of Rights Education project from 1987-1999, including project descriptions and time lines, records relating to the youth-oriented Project Hip Hop, fundraising and donor information, press coverage, and other related materials.
Arranged alphabetically.
Abortion Referenda, 1981-1984
Affirmative Action Voices, 1997-1999
Algebra Project, 1993
Amicus Club, 1993
Anti-Censorship Network, 1997
Bill of Rights Education project, 1987-1999
General proposals and letters, 1993-1998
Background and General Information, ca. 1999
Letters of praise, 1989-1997
News coverage, 1995-1996
Project Hip-Hop
Records, 1992-1998
Printed, 1996-1999
Fundraising strategies, 1988
Budgets, 1993-1999
Sources of funding, 1994, 1997-1998
Potential funders, 1987-1999
Arranged alphabetically.
Ruth M. Batson Educational Foundation, 1994
Gerry Berlin, 1997
Blue Cross Blue Shield, 1995
The Boehm Foundation, 1992-1994
The Boston Company, 1993-1994
The Boston Foundation, 1993-1995
Boston Gas, 1994
The Boston Globe Foundation, 1993-1995
Burgess Urban Fund of the Episcopal City Mission, 1996
Do Something, 1994-1995
Episcopal Church USA, 1996-1997
Lucius and Eva Eastman Fund, 1994, 1997
Foley, Hoag, and Eliot Foundation, 1992-1997
Funding Exchange, 1987-1994
Global Ministries, 1997
The Greeley Foundation, 1994-1995
Haymarket People's Fund, 1994
The Edward W. Hazen Foundation, 1995-1997
The Hyams Foundation, 1994
Lotus Development Corporation, 1990-1994
A.L. Mailman Family Foundation, 1990-1991
National Council for Social Studies, 1990-1991
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, 1996-1998
Norman Foundation, 1993-1997
Open Society Institute, 1996
Polaroid Foundation, 1994-1995
Ellen Poss, 1996
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 1994
Reconciliation Mission, 1997
Mabel Louise Riley Foundation, 1993-1997
Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock, 1993-1994
Volunteer Consulting Organization (A Student Organization of Harvard Business School), 1998-1999
Campaign for Choice Coalition (also called Coalition for Choice), 1983-1990 (bulk: 1986)
Civil Liberties and Economic Justice conference, 1985
Civil Liberties Task Force, ca. 2002
Coalition to Stop Institutional Violence, 1986
Council for Fair School Finance, 1994
Criminal Justice policy Coalition, 1997-1999
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), 2002
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD), 1980-1985
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), 1990-1991
National Committee Against Repressive Legislation, 1990
New Office Technology Coalition, 1989
Patient Confidentiality Coalition, 1996-2001
Police Practices Coalition, 1991-1998
Regional Community Policing Institute for New England, 2000
Sex Offenders Registry Law meeting, 1996
VI. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) records, 1980-1996
This series contains records created by the national ACLU from 1980-1996. The series primary contains form letters, memos, and newsletters received by CLUM from 1987-1992 and 1996, pertaining to national civil liberty issues and organizational updates. In addition, the series records from 1986-1991 pertaining to the Annual ACLU Executive Directors Conference. Conference records include correspondence, conference schedules, and other related materials. The series also contains a small amount of form letters and memos from ACLUF, primarily pertaining to national membership and fundraising; records pertaining to the ACLU Biennial Conference in 1989; and other miscellaneous ACLU records.
See also Record Group I and Record Group II
A. ACLU correspondence, 1980-1999 (with gaps)
B. ACLU subject files, 1986-1991
ACLU Executive Directors' Conference records, 1986-1991
ACLU Biennial Conference, 1989
Miscellaneous ACLU records, 1990
VII. Subject files, 1972-1999
This series contains subject files (also called Flaps) that were kept in the main CLUM offices in Boston. Subject files pertain to a variety of CLUM activities and interests and consists of newspaper clippings, memos, correspondence, printed material, and notes.
Arranged alphabetically.
Abortion, 1978-1989
Almighty RSO (rap group), 1992
ACLU defense of right-wingers, 1987
Andover High t-shirt, 1994
Anti-boycott cases, 1976-1977
Anti-terrorist activity, 1991
Anti-war activities, 1991
Behavior Research Institute, 1986-1994
Bicentennial (Constitution), 1985-1987
Board of Bar Overseers, 1979-1989
Boston Common permit, 1989-1990
Bowman: naked union election, 1993
Buffer zone (Massachusetts law), 1999
Cambridge Art Exhibit, 1994
Cambridge Civilian Review Board, 1984-1992
Campus Speech,1990-1991
Censorship, 1986-1989
Chatham field hockey, 1993
Chelsea R.O.C.A., 1991
Church/State, 1979-1997
CIA recruiting at UMass, 1987
City transfer, 1989
Condoms, 1992
Confederate flag at City Hall, 1994
Council for Fair School Finance, n.d.
Mark Curtis Defense, 1992
UMass Daily Collegian, 1992
Dukakis, 1988
David Duke, 1992
Conference, 1992-1994
Decriminalization, 1995-1996
Task Force, 1992
Due process
Drugs, 1988
Massachusetts Judicial Conduct Commission, 1986
Rosenberg case, 1976-1977
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 1994
Episcopal clergy, 1995
Extradition of Jerry Lui, 1996
Falmouth-10 year old arrested, 1992
Framingham library, 1988
Hampshire College- Kramer, 1986-1989
Harvard Law Review, 1992
Health Bill, 1994
David Hendricks (killed by police), 1992-1993
Heroin, 1973-1976
Hertz/teamsters, 1996
Willie Horton story, 1989
Hopkinton censorship, 1992
Immigrant voting, 1991
Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) Palestinian films, 1991
Jail (County Correction Facilities Project), 1975-1978
Justice for women, 1991
Lawrence mayor, drugs and welfare, 1989
Lawrence police barricades, 1992
Lexington High School student paper, 1992
Julius Lester/UMass, 1988
Malaysian tourists, 1992
Marblehead advocate Carl King, 1995
Professor Tony Martin (Wellesley), 1992-1994
MIT "Bad Mouth" speech, 1992
Medford High racial incidents, 1993
Mental patients-model drug laws, 1975-1977, 1987
Nantucket police, 1995
The Nationalist Movement, 1995
Newburyport protective custody provision, 1994
Newton sex education battle, 1993
Ollie North on Freedom Alliance, 1990
OCBC FOIA Request, 1986-1988
Police meeting, 1986
Police misconduct project, 1979-1981
Political asylum/ immigration representation project, 1989-1991
Pre-term suit, 1973-1974
Prison expansion, 1976-1977
Prisoners, 1974-1980
Privacy- Medical Records Confidentiality Act, 1995
Privacy Project, 1973-1975
Privacy- Titicut Follies, 1967-1975
Proposals, 1974-1976
Racism Conference, 1990
Religious Right, 1993-1994
Reproductive Freedom project (ACLU), 1988-1992
Rock concerts, 1996
Salem witches, 1992
Scituate baccalaureate service, 1994
Skokie and CLUM, 1977-1978
SAT scores, 1989
Speech (and assembly)
Boston Demonstrations, 1989-1991
Curfews, 1991
Employees, 1990
Employment, 1987
Flag salute, 1988-1991
Hate speech, 1972-1990
Obscenity/ pornography, 1985
Surveillance and infiltration, 1981-1990
St. Patrick's Day parade, 1992-1999
Stoneham Adult Video, 1993
Voting, 1977-1995
Welfare Study, 1978-1979
White supremacist parade. 1994
Women's Rights project, 1972-1978
Ziegler, 1975
VIII. CLUM printed materials, ca. 1975-2005
This series contains publications from 1983-2005, including CLUM/ACLUM's newspaper The Docket, which is printed about twice a year; the Bill of Rights Network, a newsletter produced quarterly by the Bill of Rights Education Project; and The Rising Times, a newspaper produced several times a year by the group Project Hip-Hop. This series also contains a variety of clipping pertaining to CLUM/ACLUM and the ACLU from 1980-1999.
See also Record Group I and Record Group II
A. CLUM/ACLUM publications, 1980-2005
The Docket, Vol. 26-35, 1996-2005
The Docket: MCLUF Annual Report, 1983-1997 (with gaps)
The Liberty Tree: monthly briefing paper of the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, July-October 1987
Bill of Rights Network, 1988-2002
The Rising Times, 1998-2002
Miscellaneous printed materials, 1980-1995
B. Clippings, 1980-1999
See also Record Group I.
C. Brochures, invitations, and programs, ca. 1975-1997
This subseries contains various CLUM/ACLUM and ACLU (national and regional) printed materials including programs, invitations, and brochures from the 1980s and 1990s that were not arranged within other series. The subseries also includes an ACLU calendar from 1997, a small assortment of non-ACLU programs and invitations, and other misc. printed materials.
CLUM brochures, ca. 1985-ca. 1995
"John Reinstein Celebration," program, 1997
CLUM registration forms, 1981-1995
ACLU brochures, ca. 1975-ca. 1985
ACLU invitations/ programs (national), ca.1975-ca. 1985
ACLU invitations/programs (regional), ca. 1975-ca. 1985
Non-ACLU invitations/programs, ca. 1985
1977 ACLU calendar
Roger Baldwin: A Remembrance, 1982
D. Miscellaneous printed materials, n.d.
Preferred Citation
American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Historical Society.
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